It feels like the mass produced regression/isekai manhwas where quality in story doesn't seem to matter, have no care about character design at all. At least in the aspect of bringing the audience something interesting to look at as a piece of art. It feels like the only thing the artists (maybe the artists don't have a lot of control, so I guess the publisher team?) care about are handsome and beautiful characters that sparkle in the story. And then their bias of what is counted as beautiful/handsome comes in which becomes very problematic when it comes to traditional Korean values (very xenophobic!). Also the art in these manhwas seem to have some kind of aversion to old/aging people. Like I don't think drawing old people is that hard IMO ?? They are not just young people with long lines down their smile lines /forhead wrinkles. They make it seem like they put in absolutely no effort in the character design and no care into it whatsoever. Aging faces can be so beautiful like... Also I don't think I've seen any characters with a truly drak complexion in these stories. There are tan characters / lighter dark skin tones. And even then most of the time these characters with darker complexions typically get placed in the villain/psychopath/demon/devil archetypes. Colourism :^S. Most main characters are pale as printer paper skin tones which like, fine most of these stories are in these eurocentric fairytale settings but like THIS IS FICTION, WE DONT NEED IT TO BE LIKE THAT? IF WE HAVE DRAGONS, MAGIC AND SHIT LIKE THAT CANT WE HAVE SOME DIVERSITY AND SOME TRULY INTERESTING CHARACTER DESIGN? :^l where is the creativity.