This discourse is ridiculous and needs to stop. The artist didn't draw whatever she is being accused of. The artist drew one fanbook featuring a chibi version of the character/idol. It's fluff, the "disgusting" pictures that were shared are the chibi biting the guys finger and the chibi sleeping in bed with the guy. That's all there is. Stans on western sm went after her not only because of these scandalous findings but because of her art in general... which would be perfectly fine art for, say, any japanese BL artist. Trying to cancel and harass a woman who can barely survive doing what she does over fiction is ridiculous in the first place but doing so purely based on uninformed assumptions while knowingly spreading misinformation and accusations is inexcusable.
So please, I ask you kindly: stop and think, look into things and use your brain before you spread misinformation and throw around serious accusations. Please don't fall victim to the hive mind mentality. There is no excuse for spreading misinformation and harassing people. You also have to understand that chinese/korean/japanese artists come from a different cultural backgrounds and most importantly there is a language barrier. Imagine people would aggressively harass you and accuse you of horrible things and you can't even make out what exactly the reason is. You scramble, write a statement that gets completely misinterpreted because you can't really speak the language. And you get attacked even more. It's mostly teens doing this but that doesn't make it ok at all. You are not mentally stunted because you are below the age of 20. You should know better. And deep down you know, but you don't care because you love feeling (in this case morally) superior and the power this gives you. It's not that much different from bullying.
It scares me how the world is evolving.
U should write this on twitter... Or better on the artist account so she could know this... This is how the internet world works... They just believe what they saw without discover it... I don't want to choose to believe or not cuz idk the details that much... I just want to keep read this manhwa huhu
She is referring to the high school characters in her fanbooks and overall stylization of her art. The characters are also considered 18/19 afaik. This is what the actual drama was about and what kpop kids were attacking her over. And what she ultimately responded to. She didn't know that there are people taking three screenshots of a chibi character out of context. I hope this clears it up for you. I'm sure you can find a fan who is in possession of the book as well as being fluent in korean who can explain the contents of the book to you in detail. Please ask questions before making assumptions. Humans are blessed with the ability to critically think and we should make use of that.
Agree, the baby is actually a chibi and the people talking about pedophile is underage boy not a freaking baby even so that's still not ok
I've checked all the tweets under her old account name and there's no one talking about baby
Only a underage boy
Really people are stupid should do your research before confidentiality accused someone just from one source :)
Use your brain
Haters always gonna hate anyway and bring up the old issue to bring people down and you guys stupidly believe everything they accused.
Agree. And the high school character is only stylized this way and looks 16/17 but is considered to be 18/19. Which most normal people won't care about, but people with a special needs moral compass might.
Regardless of anything people have to consider that they are attacking a living human being over fiction. Fiction and artistry are free mediums that are not only allowed but supposed to explore any given concept. Usually people understand that but in fandom spaces kids just tick.... differently, I guess.
At the end of the day everyone is allowed to have an opinion of course but harassing people online, especially over drawings, is where everyone needs to draw the line. This woman is already struggling to make a living with her art, completely overworked, suffering from wrist pain, knows that people are illegally translating and sharing the official translation as well and on top of that she gets harassed over absolute non-issues.
She is someone who just wants to bring joy to the world with her work, she offers escapism to so many people... and instead of taking that into consideration people tear her down. Also notice how it's always women authors/artists who get attacked.
At this point korean authors just need to leave social media and do their own thing.
Yeah it's really sad, people just rather believe baseless assumptions instead of looking for the truth themselves.
I mean this is such a broad issue we experience in the world today. People don't understand where this will eventually lead us to... that's why it's always important to think for yourself and ask questions no matter how banal the issue might be. Because if we all act dumb and contribute to the hive mind and follow the mob blindly it will lead to bigger societal issues in the long run.
Lmao, ewwwwwww..... she called it pedophilic content HERSELF. And any exo fan can tell you about the situation because it’s been around for a while people Jaír didn’t realize it was the same pen name
Lmaooo and I speak Korean fluently, but I don’t see any point in talking to someone like you who supports that shit content, it’s disgusting you defend it. There’s no style or stylistic reasons, drawing a CHILD AND A BABY committing that shit is SHOTA and disgusting
Anyyyyyyyy mfkn waysssss ,, if the author wanna draw shota then let her if it’s FICTION what’s so wrong about it ? I’d rather them draw shota then commit disgusting crimes in real life ! Why try to cancel an artist for some work from over 5 years ago ? What’s the point in that ? Like why are y’all under her story , if y’all tryna cancel her anyways ? ,, because ik damn well it’s not just to comment on everyone’s little comment/ and or statement.
Are you one year old? It's not supporting or not supporting the points here, it's about false accuse
When there's already bunch of shota scattered out there, just close your eyes and walk away
Just say that you want to target someone to cancel/ bully
Get a live
Firstly know your place, your action reading on illegal site are disgusting itself and talk about bringing justice? Pft you don't make any sense
Not targeting everyone who read here, just this some trash acting all high and mighty
What's even the problem here? I personally like Scan Beans translation better, they had fast updates in 2020 before ss took over and I'm glad they are still scanlating it and catched up with the raws. Why not upload both versions? I also don't get why ssf added the memory erasing meme when Scan Beans scanlation is super high quality. Anyways I hope Scan Beans will at least start updating mgdx again now that the site is back up again
the issue isn't scan beans it's that scan beans stopped uploading on mangago and someone else took scan beans translation from elsewhere and put it up here scan beans stated that they wouldnt be uploading to mangago anymore
I think the issue is scan bean never uploaded here in the first place this s*th is too complicated XD