PotatoJuice April 20, 2018 1:59 pm

There is a page missing, with the highlight being Mo checking out that....bike :D


PotatoJuice April 19, 2018 5:49 pm

Everyone is complaining about Seohee, but in my opinion Woojung is far worse than her??

First off, in the whole friendship-love-triangle everyone involved was shitty to the friend they weren´t in love with. Woojung treating Jinwoo like crap because he was jealous. Jinwoo telling Seohee he only came to her birthday party because Woojung was there and never getting back to her (he did thought about it, but in the end he never contacted her), to check how she is dealing with the rejection. And yes Seohee obviously trying to get with Jinwoo through telling lies/telling Woojung that he likes him.

If it would be just this I would understand if people would say that Seohee is the worst out of the three, but Woojungs treatment of Sarang is just so bad, that Seohee is nothing in comparison.

The last chapter made me so mad, how he was basically saying that he is the victim and people should feel bad for him, while at the same time not sympathizing one bit with Sarang. Because of course it is far worse that he gets to see his mother less through the divorce and not Sarang being treated like garbage by their father. Or that he feels bad for himself for not being able to accept Sarang and you know, not about Sarang getting nothing but hate from him, his older brother. Not to mention all the other homophobic assholes Sarang has to deal with, even though he really cannot defend himself, and Woojung knows this. Aaaaand not to forget that Woojung tried to sucker punch Sarang in the face, for calling him Hyung??!! (After he went out of his way to start this confrontation, because Sarang dared to hang out with one his friends) He could have really hurt him, since he has professional box training and Sarang is clearly unable to physical defend himself against that.

Conclusion: Woojung is the worst

(I could go on how Sarangs inability to move on from Eungi, is clearly caused by all the rejection and disgust he had to endure for being gay, and Eungi being the first person who really fully accepted him....granted, who do not know how his mother treats him, but to me it seems more like "Ah well, I wish you were not gay but I will love you anyways", and not "I love you, you are perfect the way you are", what he apparently got from Eungi)

    moralala April 19, 2018 5:56 pm

    Dont be bad. I actually like woojung....because the rest story was predictible???I waiting for what it will happen to him....lol....maybe convert.....

    PotatoJuice April 19, 2018 6:08 pm
    Dont be bad. I actually like woojung....because the rest story was predictible???I waiting for what it will happen to him....lol....maybe convert..... moralala

    Haha nice that you are able to judge it just from the narrative perspective, but I can´t anymore, because he is the type of person I hate the most in real life >.<
    And if he would discover his inner gay and start a relationship with Jinwoo, at this point it would just add Giant Hypocrite on his list of reasons why I would kick him in the dick.

    Pill April 19, 2018 6:10 pm

    Older brother xD its ridiculous,they are for fuck sake indentical twins,they were created in the same milisecund, maybe woojung was birthed first but wow it sounded like he was 5 years older and should be a lot more mature and responsible.
    Personaly i don't like this story at all. Too much drama, i don't like even one character, girl of course has to be portrayed demonic (only sisters and moms CAN (don't have to be ofc) be normal), uke has to be completly helpless,bullied by nearly everybody,even got a bf who is definition of douchebag... Jinwoo was sooo in love with Woojung but completly fot about him in couple od days (spoiler alert...-->they are together with sarang before 30 chapter)..so his feelings were rather flat...it was all about looks in the end...

    Pill April 19, 2018 6:13 pm
    Older brother xD its ridiculous,they are for fuck sake indentical twins,they were created in the same milisecund, maybe woojung was birthed first but wow it sounded like he was 5 years older and should be a lot... @Pill

    Forgot* and was all over sarang

    PotatoJuice April 19, 2018 6:17 pm
    Older brother xD its ridiculous,they are for fuck sake indentical twins,they were created in the same milisecund, maybe woojung was birthed first but wow it sounded like he was 5 years older and should be a lot... @Pill

    Yeah you could scratch that "older", but their dynamic prior to Sarangs coming out reminded me of the protective older brother stereotype, with him beating up Sarangs bullies.

    But I agree the story is not well written in any way, I was sucked in by the beautiful art, but then it got me mad...

    twistedcat April 19, 2018 6:29 pm
    Dont be bad. I actually like woojung....because the rest story was predictible???I waiting for what it will happen to him....lol....maybe convert..... moralala

    yeah i hope it goes like your prediction
    in my opinion
    it just woojung not good with words hmmm

    Pill April 19, 2018 6:40 pm
    Yeah you could scratch that "older", but their dynamic prior to Sarangs coming out reminded me of the protective older brother stereotype, with him beating up Sarangs bullies.But I agree the story is not well w... PotatoJuice

    Yup i has to agree art is just gorgeous...and that's why its the shame that the story is rather poorly written...

    Pill April 19, 2018 6:41 pm
    Yup i has to agree art is just gorgeous...and that's why its the shame that the story is rather poorly written... @Pill

    Have* gosh

    Denzil April 20, 2018 12:18 am

    She not that bad imo, people just hating because she female

PotatoJuice April 18, 2018 9:48 pm

That is a bit more melodramatic than I usually prefer, but god the art is gorgeous!
Everyone is so pretty (except Eungi, NEVER Eungi) and the colors! Especially the eye color and hair color combinations...they are just mesmerizing.

PotatoJuice April 18, 2018 8:08 pm

I love that he did not actually change! God him having a serious change of heart and Shou forgiving him would have been so unsatisfying. And I think it is quite realistic that a psychopath would not suddenly feel bad for his actions, but would just put on the act when he is caught and garner sympathy.

PotatoJuice April 17, 2018 1:09 am

*sigh* Things are getting too rapey for me, I´m out.
In the beginning I was still hoping, that this was one of the rare omegaverse stories which do not go down that route, but looks like I was mistaken -.-

The only thing I liked about this chapter was Hyesung reacting (maybe??? could have also been the alpha) to the other omega and being jealous of the alpha and his ability to get such a partner easily. But yeah, that was short lived.

    HamesTheJames April 17, 2018 1:15 am

    ya know technically its not rape also why would that make the story bad its not real life, fuck, if any of them were there would be a whole fuck ton of koreans in prison. Its sometimes just apart of the story to have these things. Also this is made by the same author who made If You Hate Me So, so don't expect that much.

    HamesTheJames April 17, 2018 1:18 am
    ya know technically its not rape also why would that make the story bad its not real life, fuck, if any of them were there would be a whole fuck ton of koreans in prison. Its sometimes just apart of the story ... HamesTheJames

    also you probably know but the couple is based off the third couple in If You Hate Me That Much, but its their own comic. And in If You Hate Me That Much something happens that you should see for yourself

    PotatoJuice April 17, 2018 1:21 am
    ya know technically its not rape also why would that make the story bad its not real life, fuck, if any of them were there would be a whole fuck ton of koreans in prison. Its sometimes just apart of the story ... HamesTheJames

    I have not read If you Hate me So. And yeah this is not real life, but it can and does make this story bad.

    I´m willing to give some slack when it comes to the heat and what goes down under that influence, but this time Hyesung is not in heat and it looks like alpha will still force himself on him. Instead of, you know, actually their relationship getting developed.

    HamesTheJames April 17, 2018 1:27 am
    I have not read If you Hate me So. And yeah this is not real life, but it can and does make this story bad.I´m willing to give some slack when it comes to the heat and what goes down under that influence, but ... PotatoJuice


    PotatoJuice April 17, 2018 1:35 am

    I would be VERY surprised if the Hyesung would give consent in the next chapter (physical reaction =/= consent). He never has shown any intention to sleep with the alpha before (again, heat-induced horniness does not count) and the last thing that happens is the alpha just barging into his room...

    And btw I´m not saying all stories featuring rape are bad, not at all, but you need to handle them right, and unfortunately very often rape is just used as a lazy way to get to the sex scenes fast and is portrayed as something "hot".

    HamesTheJames April 17, 2018 1:42 am
    I would be VERY surprised if the Hyesung would give consent in the next chapter (physical reaction =/= consent). He never has shown any intention to sleep with the alpha before (again, heat-induced horniness do... PotatoJuice

    I'm just saying 13 chapters isnt enough to give the omega character also i obviously know physical reaction isn't consent.
    Also if you're going to complain about easy sex scenes then why Yaoi and not Shounen Ai

    PotatoJuice April 17, 2018 1:57 am
    I'm just saying 13 chapters isnt enough to give the omega character also i obviously know physical reaction isn't consent. Also if you're going to complain about easy sex scenes then why Yaoi and not Shounen Ai HamesTheJames

    I think 13 chapters are plenty enough to establish a character and for Hyesung this is definitely the case. His characterization was what made me stick around for so long.
    And I do not see why complaining about lazy and cheap sex scenes means, that I do not enjoy well-executed ones?

    HamesTheJames April 17, 2018 2:04 am
    I think 13 chapters are plenty enough to establish a character and for Hyesung this is definitely the case. His characterization was what made me stick around for so long. And I do not see why complaining abou... PotatoJuice

    Eh whatever the main point i was trying to make is that its not rapey, Hyesung is trying to reasure himself in this chapter that he doesn't like the alpha, but i can assure you that many hints are dropped (ie, blush, boner, and denial combo)

    PotatoJuice April 17, 2018 2:13 am
    Eh whatever the main point i was trying to make is that its not rapey, Hyesung is trying to reasure himself in this chapter that he doesn't like the alpha, but i can assure you that many hints are dropped (ie, ... HamesTheJames

    Yeah sure, they will obviously end up together, but I do not like how we are getting there and that is why I´m dropping it. I know that the majority is not bothered by it and enjoys the story, but that is why I wrote this comment, so that there is another opinion apart from that common consensus.

    All-deja-vu April 17, 2018 2:27 am

    I totally agree with you. I enjoyed this story mainly because the seme showed he had self control, so if he rapes the blondie I would be really disappointed. What is the point to always use the same scenario!

    Queenaaliyahhh April 17, 2018 3:52 am

    I really do hope that there was consent even though looking at the raws, I guess not so I want to drop too :/

    Rave April 17, 2018 4:37 am
    ya know technically its not rape also why would that make the story bad its not real life, fuck, if any of them were there would be a whole fuck ton of koreans in prison. Its sometimes just apart of the story ... HamesTheJames

    I agree

    sorry not sorry April 17, 2018 5:59 am

    I've read stories with rape that just make me so angry and very honestly make the story shit. This in comparison to what I have read is nothing. I've skimmed the raws and I don't think the manga is that rapey. But if you are that sensitive to rape then you probably won't like the coming chapters.

    But really. I know I am repeating myself but there are a lot more shitty rapey mangas out there and I genuinely don't think this is one of them. Though this is coming from someone with very high tolerance ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    pigglypoof April 17, 2018 6:31 am

    I really like the characters so I'll keep reading, but the consent issue is pretty iffy for me too. Their first time bothered me because it was obvious Hyesung was acting strangely and so his "consent" in that situation was pretty dodgy. Normally I wouldn't be so bothered about this in an omegaverse story, but in the beginning, it seemed like the author wanted to make Dojin an alpha who could restrain himself from his instincts and I was disappointed that he wasn't. But looking at the raws and other comments, I'm hopeful he'll be able to hold himself back until Hyesung properly consents.

    Mybatteryisdead April 17, 2018 6:42 am
    I've read stories with rape that just make me so angry and very honestly make the story shit. This in comparison to what I have read is nothing. I've skimmed the raws and I don't think the manga is that rapey. ... @sorry not sorry

    I soo agree! Very well put. I just dont fuck with rape tbh

    PotatoJuice April 17, 2018 8:01 pm
    I've read stories with rape that just make me so angry and very honestly make the story shit. This in comparison to what I have read is nothing. I've skimmed the raws and I don't think the manga is that rapey. ... @sorry not sorry

    I never said this was the worst rape story I ever read and the existence of other stories, which are worse, does not make this one better. In a way it makes me more frustrated, that this one started pretty good, with a plucky omega and an alpha, who could control himself. Like, you were on the right way, why fall back to the tired cliches and tropes?? And I have to disagree, that there is very much a consent issue here at work, as well as simply bad story telling.
    But yeah so far the story was not completely bad, so there might be some actual consequences to the actions of the Seme and it will not be just brushed aside as always, but I will not stick around to find that out. I have read too many of the shitty, rapey mangas when I was younger to tolerate such stories any longer, even if they are not as bad as others.

PotatoJuice April 12, 2018 7:01 pm

I wish there would have been more fluff before the drama starts....oh well, I just hope the new season will not take too long.
And man the brother is a brat, but I already ship him with the light haired secretary
╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

PotatoJuice April 12, 2018 6:34 pm

Is anybody else kind of sad, about Mo wanting money and He Tians reaction to it??? Like, I get that Mo is a fierce little Tsundere and He Tian is a giant dick to him all the time, but still....that was cold. Again, not blaming Mo or anything, since he does not know about He Tians issues and his past, but I just wish they would be a bit closer by now :/

    PotatoJuice April 12, 2018 7:50 pm

    Ok, I just reread it starting from chapter 228, and now I´m really getting sad.
    He Tian wants Mo to come over and stay with him so desperately, that he would do pretty much anything (that "fun" fake suicide, pushing him down into the tomato sauce, so that his clothes get dirty, telling his mother over the phone...). He reminds me of a drowning man, with Mo being the only solid thing he can cling to. And Mo has no clue. How should he since He Tian never talks to him in any serious manner?? But I can also understand He Tian, who is probably afraid that if he does not push and push and push, Mo would never spend any time with him. And that if he would open up and talk about his issues and how important Mo is to him, he probably thinks Mo would just get up and leave....

    Raziel April 12, 2018 8:29 pm
    Ok, I just reread it starting from chapter 228, and now I´m really getting sad. He Tian wants Mo to come over and stay with him so desperately, that he would do pretty much anything (that "fun" fake suicide, p... PotatoJuice

    I agree with you. I think it was one of the saddest chapters so far (concerning Mo and Tian). Everyone's just going on about them accidentally rubbing on each others private parts, while its so damn obvious they're not one inch closer cause of that. The emotional gap is still as vast as ever.

    PotatoJuice April 13, 2018 3:26 pm
    I agree with you. I think it was one of the saddest chapters so far (concerning Mo and Tian). Everyone's just going on about them accidentally rubbing on each others private parts, while its so damn obvious the... Raziel

    Exactly, having accidentally physical contact doesn´t mean a thing, if they do not grow emotionally closer :(
    At this point my fantasy is He Tian crying in Mos arms, not them getting it on tbh.

    Raziel April 14, 2018 7:47 pm
    Exactly, having accidentally physical contact doesn´t mean a thing, if they do not grow emotionally closer :(At this point my fantasy is He Tian crying in Mos arms, not them getting it on tbh. PotatoJuice

    That would be something! But it' s probably the only way for their relationship to deepen. Mo will only open up if He Tian shows him some sort of "weakness". Mo opening up first is very unlikely and would only add to their power imbalance.

    PotatoJuice April 15, 2018 9:18 am
    That would be something! But it' s probably the only way for their relationship to deepen. Mo will only open up if He Tian shows him some sort of "weakness". Mo opening up first is very unlikely and would only ... Raziel

    Yeah, He Tian allowing himself to be vulnerable is the only way I see for them out of their current deadlock. And boy that is an uncomfortable deadlock. I mean, since they are a pair in the story, we know they must care about each other and everything, but they really do not get along well at the moment.. to put it lightly. He Tian is downright abusive and Mo never shows any signs, that he likes spending time with him (can´t blame him for that) and also complains about him constantly, when he is alone. Even as a reader it is quite hart to see, that it is probably not only a one-sided obsession from He Tian. I really hope the last chapters were the built up to a major confrontation, so that things develop a bit (ok not too much hope, since this story is all about taking it slow). I can imagine, for example, Mo finally being too fed up and confronting He Tian seriously about his behavior and He Tian breaking down in return? And I think if He Tian would actually show a vulnerable side, Mo would also finally get to decide for himself if he wants to stay with him or escape for good. I mean, so far it is easy for him to say, "fuck this dude", "leave me alone", "get lost" etc. because He Tian is just a giant dick to him, and therefore he doesn´t need to examine his own feelings for him.

    Raziel April 15, 2018 4:13 pm
    Yeah, He Tian allowing himself to be vulnerable is the only way I see for them out of their current deadlock. And boy that is an uncomfortable deadlock. I mean, since they are a pair in the story, we know they ... PotatoJuice

    Yeah, let's hope we'll get to see some kind of emotional development soon. I was actually hoping for that, when I saw He Tian being ill, but seems like he needs something bigger than just a cold to show some weakness.

PotatoJuice April 11, 2018 9:57 pm

Ahh great stuff. It has been a while, since I last read it (I should really get around to buying the last 3 volumes I´m missing).

And I will never get over the fact, that Clamp gave their male protagonist a female twin, who looks 100 % like him, so that they could basically draw him in the cutest and most over the top outfits ever. Well played Clamp, well played.

PotatoJuice April 11, 2018 3:08 pm

Minjae is a mess, but a very adorable mess

PotatoJuice April 9, 2018 5:29 pm

Major probs to Seheon for confessing his feelings so earnestly and then not taking any of Taeyis bullshit!! God that is so refreshing.

But seriously Taeyi, get your shit together! Time for you to man up and face your feelings ( ̄へ ̄)

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