PotatoJuice June 25, 2018 12:07 am

Genos new upgrade looks kind of...ominous?

    likalaruku June 27, 2018 3:55 am

    I think he looks better.... Much broader shoulders. lolol

PotatoJuice June 24, 2018 11:15 pm

My heart legit skipped a beat. That was a good chapter

PotatoJuice June 13, 2018 12:52 pm

I just love these two idiots. I´m so glad they are on friendly terms again, even though they have not resolved everything between them yet (but that would have been boring).

And can we appreciate the *amazing* drawing skills of our boy Li Huan??

PotatoJuice June 4, 2018 9:21 pm

I thought when rereading it, I would not cry as much as the first time. I was wrong, I cried more.

PotatoJuice June 1, 2018 12:46 pm

OMG it is a Muji notebook, I have the same!!!!

Ok, I´m way more excited about this, then I should be

PotatoJuice May 23, 2018 11:24 pm

Dropped this one some chapters ago, because it got too rapey for me.
And now checking the comments looks like it is at forced pregnancy??? WTF, I´m glad I dodged that bullet

And yes, I´m petty and writing this comment for that one guy who was insisting there would be no rape in this story

    NekoFujoshi May 24, 2018 3:02 am

    Haaa i wished i did that HELP ME

    janvier May 24, 2018 4:25 am

    u make a fictional manga sounds like a real story well rape is horrible but i couldn't feel any simpathy for the uke SORRY he is a billion time horrible than the uke plus the things about Alpha and Omega r just complicated and totally fictional this is why i really can't feel anything wrong but to be honest i can't reakkt keep up with the rape thing if the couple is just an ordinary human it feels DISGUSTING -_- anyway sorry i can't see Doujin as a bad guy (▰˘◡˘▰)

    Madelyne May 24, 2018 6:04 am

    It's not a forced pregnancy. The pregnancy actually happened when hyesung came into dojin room during his heat and jumped him. It wasn't when dojin raped him. People aren't reading the chapters properly.

    PotatoJuice May 24, 2018 9:27 am
    It's not a forced pregnancy. The pregnancy actually happened when hyesung came into dojin room during his heat and jumped him. It wasn't when dojin raped him. People aren't reading the chapters properly. Madelyne

    Ok, I´m really not sure if wading further into this comment section is a good idea, but it is a slow day in university, so fuck it.

    That was one of the chapters I still read, and sorry, yes it was rape. If you have sex with somebody who is not in his right mind, e.g. very drunk or on drugs, and you yourself are not, it is rape. Hyesung did sneak into his room to have sex, but because he was in his heat and not thinking straight. Doujin on the other was shown to still be in control of himself, and he knew Hyseung was only doing that because of his heat and would under normal circumstances not consent to have sex with him. And no, Hyesung was not the one who raped Doujin because Doujin could have easily overpowered him and removed him from his room. It was Doujins decision to let things proceed further, it was therefore Doujin who raped him.

    And btw I do not mind the fact that rape is depicted in a manga, but if you decide to go there you have to handle it right. And using it as a cheap turn on and lazy way to proceed the relationship, while still portraying the rapist as a caring and loving guy and the relationship in general as romantic, is not handled well. With other words, if this manga would give me the feeling that Hyesung and Doujin will not end up together and that I´m not supposed to root for them, then I would still read it.

    lol May 24, 2018 12:36 pm

    Omegaverse is no for you my friend cause all alpha and omega story are rape (not trying to be mean sorry)(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

    PotatoJuice May 24, 2018 2:47 pm
    Omegaverse is no for you my friend cause all alpha and omega story are rape (not trying to be mean sorry)(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ @lol

    Haha no problem. Unfortunately that seems to be the case. It is really too bad, since you could do very interesting things in the omegaverse setting (which is why I usually look into them). You have basically female attributes and issues, biological or social, put into a new context in a magnified way and transferred on to men. With this new angle you could do very interesting commentary on rape culture, discrimination in the work place, power imbalances in relationships, gender expectations etc. But the vast majority of omegaverse stories plays it unfortunately very very straight, meaning you get an incredible misogynistic product.

    blueninja89 May 25, 2018 3:46 am
    Haha no problem. Unfortunately that seems to be the case. It is really too bad, since you could do very interesting things in the omegaverse setting (which is why I usually look into them). You have basically f... PotatoJuice

    Literally everything you've just said is utterly perfect in how I feel towards the genre a as well.(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

    io May 25, 2018 5:35 am
    Haha no problem. Unfortunately that seems to be the case. It is really too bad, since you could do very interesting things in the omegaverse setting (which is why I usually look into them). You have basically f... PotatoJuice

    Well you got a point

PotatoJuice May 23, 2018 8:39 pm

Last week I wanted Yu Yang to slap Li Huan for kissing him without consent. Little did I know he would do something much more violent: "I´m nice to everyone. I only took care of you because I was asked to." Damn. That was brutal.

PotatoJuice May 23, 2018 8:21 pm

Apparently chapter 356 was split into two. That is why we only got 15 pages last month and 9 now, making 24 in total which is the usual chapter length.

PotatoJuice May 23, 2018 1:33 pm

I really like the plot and the characters, great dynamics so far. Plus, this hits right into my weak spot of high schoolers beating each other up.

P.s: Lion is craaaaazy, but I love how he "cares" for his Minimi

    Rinsama_ May 23, 2018 4:22 pm

    And it's even more exciting when the main character is looked down on.. Also the real gang too.. This is my shit

PotatoJuice May 21, 2018 11:18 am

It is clear now that Woojung was the reason why he and his mother had no contact. Sarang and his mother did nothing wrong, Woojung should be the one to apologize.

    poop May 21, 2018 11:33 am

    what if your mom left you when you are younger without hesitation or guilty for years? not even asking or contacting you at all even though she is your mom? stup*d

    poop May 21, 2018 11:36 am

    plus there was a scene where woo jung was crying while looking at his mom's picture. he was still a boy who didn't get enough love from HIS OWN MOTHER yet he still misses his mother.

    felly May 21, 2018 11:37 am

    Are you saying that if a teenager says his mother to never contact him she must disappear? i dont get how it rly works. when your son is wrong u must talk to him not just once more like u must try till he gets the idea.he must say sry cz she run away? real mothers never do shit like this.

    Lavender-Rose May 21, 2018 11:38 am
    plus there was a scene where woo jung was crying while looking at his mom's picture. he was still a boy who didn't get enough love from HIS OWN MOTHER yet he still misses his mother. @poop

    So should she have just allowed her husband to throw out one of her sons onto the street for something he couldn’t control?
    If anything it’s the Dad who is at fault for the situation.

    poop May 21, 2018 11:43 am
    So should she have just allowed her husband to throw out one of her sons onto the street for something he couldn’t control?If anything it’s the Dad who is at fault for the situation. Lavender-Rose

    even if it was his father's fault, then it means woo jung is should be abandon too? she as a mother shouldn't take ANY side after all. SHE SHOULD BE THE ONE WHO NEEDS TO LISTEN TO BOTH OF THEM AND TRYING TO CONVINCE THEM TO ACCEPT EACH OTHER.

    felly May 21, 2018 11:46 am
    So should she have just allowed her husband to throw out one of her sons onto the street for something he couldn’t control?If anything it’s the Dad who is at fault for the situation. Lavender-Rose

    no never Sarang is a victim like Woojung but never contact your son is so wrong even if he was the one who said it. this logic just kills me if we dont like the fact that Woojung was left behind means that we wanted Sarang to stay all alone? just wtf

    PotatoJuice May 21, 2018 11:48 am

    His mother clearly loves him a lot, feels very guilty about the situation (I don´t think SHE should feel guilty) and wants to have contact again, it is entirely possible that she tried contacting him before and was rejected, that is why she resorts to asking Jinwoo for help.

    And I really don´t get the logic of you all, because she is his mother she should have stayed and let her other son suffer alone (possibly homeless, probably leading to his suicide)??? It was not Woojung who needed her the most, but Sarang. Woojung had and has his father (that Sarang has no contact with his father never seems to enter the conversation, hmmm), who seems very nice to him and who takes care of him. His mother said it clearly why she didn´t take Woojung with her when she left, because she wanted to stop Sarang and Woojung from "hurting each other", meaning Woojung was tormenting Sarang for being gay and I cannot fault her at all for wanting to protect Sarang from that.

    PotatoJuice May 21, 2018 11:51 am
    even if it was his father's fault, then it means woo jung is should be abandon too? she as a mother shouldn't take ANY side after all. SHE SHOULD BE THE ONE WHO NEEDS TO LISTEN TO BOTH OF THEM AND TRYING TO CON... @poop

    please point out the chapter where Sarang is not accepting of Woojung

    Lavender-Rose May 21, 2018 11:55 am
    please point out the chapter where Sarang is not accepting of Woojung PotatoJuice

    Um... Are you reading the same story? He calls Sarang a freak multiple times and shows clear disgust at his sexuality.

    PotatoJuice May 21, 2018 12:01 pm
    Um... Are you reading the same story? He calls Sarang a freak multiple times and shows clear disgust at his sexuality. Lavender-Rose

    Careful, friendly fire :D

    I wrote Sarang accepting of Woojung. That was in response to a comment making it sound like Sarang was rejecting Woojung for some reason and they both needed to learn to accept each other

    Lavender-Rose May 21, 2018 12:04 pm
    Careful, friendly fire :DI wrote Sarang accepting of Woojung. That was in response to a comment making it sound like Sarang was rejecting Woojung for some reason and they both needed to learn to accept each oth... PotatoJuice

    Oops, sorry. Hehe my bad

    PotatoJuice May 21, 2018 12:05 pm
    Oops, sorry. Hehe my bad Lavender-Rose

    No problem, this comment section is WILD

    CrazyEgg May 21, 2018 12:23 pm

    Owow this comment section is legit a homophobic vs open minded people. I vote for open minded people. Homophobics get lost!!

    Anonymous May 21, 2018 12:29 pm
    His mother clearly loves him a lot, feels very guilty about the situation (I don´t think SHE should feel guilty) and wants to have contact again, it is entirely possible that she tried contacting him before an... PotatoJuice

    lol I don't agree that you should blame Woojung for everything and that he should be the only one to apologize. Yes the mum clearly loves him a lot but to abandon him as a kid and take his younger brother? From Woojung's perspective he would've felt abandoned and felt like his mother loved his brother more than him. That's not an easy thing to get over...The mother should have tried her best to keep in contact with Woojung when she left no matter what. Either way, both the mother and father should have tried to understand Sarang's situation (and help Woojung understand too) like the father had said he'd regretted. Woojung should apologize for how he's treated Sarang but the mother needs to gain back Woojung's trust and show him that she still loves him. not just apologise. I think the others don't mean the mother should have stayed and allowed things to stay as they are but that they should have tried to work through it. I mean at some point after she left maybe she should have tried to reconcile the family...

    dny May 21, 2018 12:41 pm

    I think both opinions on this topic are right.
    What I‘m trying to say is, that nothing would be the right way in a situation like this.
    But I think the mother sufferd the most. You have to try to underdtand her, it is soo difficult to please three persons with different opinions at the same time! Thats not an easy task especially if its about family. And she thought that sarang needed the most support from her (I don‘t say thats the right way, but that was the way she just felt back then).

    CrazyEgg May 21, 2018 1:00 pm
    lol I don't agree that you should blame Woojung for everything and that he should be the only one to apologize. Yes the mum clearly loves him a lot but to abandon him as a kid and take his younger brother? From... @Anonymous

    But if the mother stay with woojung, the father is gonma throw away Sarang. Sarang will die from being homeless. He is not at an age to work nor be at a orphanage. How is he gonna survive? I think the mother had no choice but to save him
    A life is more important than a traumatize!!!

    bee May 21, 2018 1:07 pm
    But if the mother stay with woojung, the father is gonma throw away Sarang. Sarang will die from being homeless. He is not at an age to work nor be at a orphanage. How is he gonna survive? I think the mother ha... CrazyEgg

    its not about staying there and harm Sarang more like why she dont took him aswell. its wrong cz u must raise a kid properly and not give up 2 quickly, even if it takes years u have to try and make him as a better person

    CrazyEgg May 21, 2018 1:12 pm
    its not about staying there and harm Sarang more like why she dont took him aswell. its wrong cz u must raise a kid properly and not give up 2 quickly, even if it takes years u have to try and make him as a bet... @bee

    But the father was too abusive. I think he is the main fault here

    bee May 21, 2018 1:18 pm
    But the father was too abusive. I think he is the main fault here CrazyEgg

    yes he is but i just dont get why ppl are like Woojung must say sry cz he is not the one. if your son did something wrong u just talk and talk till hes not gonna stop doin it, but here they just leave him with anger and dats sucks

    PotatoJuice May 21, 2018 1:42 pm
    lol I don't agree that you should blame Woojung for everything and that he should be the only one to apologize. Yes the mum clearly loves him a lot but to abandon him as a kid and take his younger brother? From... @Anonymous

    Of course working through it as a family and not splitting up would have been the best case scenario. But the best case scenario is not always possible. The father and Woojung have both been shown to be physically and verbally abusive towards Sarang. For the mother staying and trying "to works things out", would have resulted in Sarang getting more and more of this abuse, and it is very questionable that Woojung and his father would have come to accept Sarang at this point (over the years at least the father seems to have become more tolerate). The decision of the mother to leave hurt Woojung, there is no question, but it was the best decision she could make in a very difficult situation, a situation which was not her fault but her husbands. It is incredible unfair of Woojung to blame his mother and Sarang for it and he clearly shuts her out, when she tries to reach out to him. What do you want her to do? Grovel at his feet? Call him 24/7? I do not like this sentiment that it is only the mothers obligation to hold the family together, especially when, like here, the break was caused by the intolerance of the father towards one of his sons. Why does she has to do all the emotional work?

    CrazyEgg May 23, 2018 3:33 am
    yes he is but i just dont get why ppl are like Woojung must say sry cz he is not the one. if your son did something wrong u just talk and talk till hes not gonna stop doin it, but here they just leave him with... @bee

    Maybe they dont like his attitude? Or maybe when he gets played around by Seohee everyone is like "WHAT R U DOIINN STOP JUST YAMETE." and then they got triggered by woojung obeying seohee and treating her like a goddess or smtg

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