I can't believe that this even needs to be said since this is not a legal site, 'claiming' rights to upload a fan translation when the official release exists is really ridiculous.

There's nothing to stop you still uploading your translation/localisation, sometimes official translations lack context, althought that is not my opinion in this case, yourself and others may disagree. I'm massively thankful for fan translators, especially when there is a lack of availability or licensing rights not being utilised.

I was under the impression the other uploader was looking to translate anything not yet officially released so thought I was doing them a favour uploading what already was (As far as I'm aware chapter 6 is out in Japan). A lot of pages don't load properly for me on here anymore and their notice was one of them (I still can't load it FYI so I have no idea what it said) so i only read their comments about translating what hasn't been and made an incorrect assumption.

I try my best to support artists, I have purchased the manga myself on several different formats, as well as for a few friends less fortunate with funds than I. I uploaded 2 chapters initially and intended to stagger the remaining chapters because it encourages more people who have the means to purchase it to do so rather than if I uploaded them all at once, as they may only take notice of notifications and not comments, but if someone else uploaded them before me, I would not have interfered, because it doesn't belong to me.

I'm not part of a group, I'm not looking for credit or clout, it was done with the best intentions, but I'm not playing into this juvenile territorial nonsense. I don't appreciate a fan translator demanding I explain myself over several increasingly irate messages in less than 24 hours, about how 'mad' they are as they had already translated and cleaned a chapter, and that I should be asking their permission, as if posting an unofficial translation somehow gives them a moral high ground when they are still uploading something illegally, then attempting to publicly shame me when I don't answer them in a timescale they deem appropriate. (I'm not referring to Mimi, they were very polite, but I have no intention of engaging anyone after other messages I have received.)

I won't take down what I've already uploaded so as to not disappoint those who have notifications but I won't upload anything else either.

Please DO NOT MESSAGE ME. I am not interested in interacting with anyone on an individual basis, I am not interested in drama but wanted to make my intentions clear so as I encounter no further harassment. This will be the first and last thing I post about it.