So like, I get that some people might be choosing beggars here, since this is a free website, but there are also very thankful people here since not everyone can afford buying the official works, I mean haven't you seen the comments on other translations, you always see "thanks for translating! <3"
I just disliked the fact that the translator made us all out to be that way, I mean how many people stream anime illegally? Not all anime is licensed on a streaming platform so what can we do? (especially niche ones) Do you condemn someone when they share anime online?
I'm just a little sad, I know we don't have much of a right to hate the translators, but at the same time they shouldn't have to upload work if they don't think we deserve it. Its not an obligation, if as a translator you don't want to share it with us, thats okay! If you want to, and like to, okay too!
I just don't understand, the reason translators do what they do is because get enjoyment of sharing their favourite manga to everyone who cant afford it right? but if they don't think we deserve it then so be it. I don't really get all the unnecessary hate, from the translator to us, and us to the translator.
Not everyone here can afford the manga, but please if you dislike that we cant buy it ourselves then its okay to not give it to us, instead of needlessly hating on us. Thats all I ask.
Someone who likes to translate can do it instead, and we are all happy then.
Thanks for translating anyway!

Okay, so while everyone is going on about their ships and who Haesoo is gonna be with, theres one thing that I cant not stop thinking about,
We havent seen a genuine moment where Haesoo could laugh or smile.
I feel like whoever gets Haesoo to do that first is the real goal cause that would mean Haesoo is finally comfortable again.
Hes been on edge since forever and it hurts to think about. </3 q-q can you imagine how beautiful he'd be happy???
Also one thing to note, Haesoo mentions how no one took interest (jowoon) in his writing, but Taku did, and I feel like thats a pretty important thing in a relationship, its like mutual balance of power in a relationship. Being interested in more than the person themselves but what they do is pretty important in the long run. (Jowoon not taking interest despite their long past kinda makes me feel like his relationship with H really is for self satisfaction. Respect is really important in a relationship!!!! otherwise it can get ugly!!)
I just want Haesoo to smile.

This is a dang good realistic webcomic, the tension between the brothers is so real, mainly haesoo who doesnt wanna cross the line emotionally.
Ultimately I'd rather see Haesoo move on with Taku. Not just cause hes hot, but because he seems like hes genuinely interested in Haesoo. Especially since we've seen Takus disinterest at the start of the webtoon which progressed until now. Also Haesoo definitely has some personal issues that I think he cant exactly work out with Jowoon after 9 long years of turning a blind eye.
New love can be really healing, makes you realize what went wrong alot of the time.
I feel like Jowoon is just taking advantage of him and Haesoos relationship as "family" and using that as a way to not confront the real issues of their relationship. Because Haesoo will always be family and Jowoon wont ever lose that, but at the same time thats the reason they struggle to deal with the fact that their relationship is wrong.
Basically they're both cowards. which is nice cause its pretty dang grounded in reality. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

Hey guys so I skimmed through the raws for closure and... Open for spoils.
Yea no it totally sucks still lol,
Im not exactly sure what happened, but Hara with the single brain cell he has keeps going on with the marriage with his girlfriend, Him and Ume separate for a bit, Hara eventually breaks up with his girlfriend and then proceeds to so P E R F E C T L Y interfere when ume meets Mori again later on. (Honestly wished Mori did ume again so Hara could lose his last brain cell and stop trying)
W o W man I cant even. Haras punishment is barely anything to justify the cheating bastard he was to ume and his girlfriends, and some how ume also just is ok now that hes chosen. I hate the fact that so many mangas just think that their oof jealousy~ is enough I swear theres no real remose in that selfish seme
JUST W H Y. When will the cheating semes eat shit?, when will the doormatt ukes learn to leave the toxic semes in the dust?
(Also I cant even justify the ukes love?? Whatever he had was not love, since there was never actual exposition for that, his love is protrayed more like puppy love but its been 20 foking years?..)
This manga ripped my brain from my body and threw it in the trash
In closing. Nani the fuck?
This story was pretty good for most of it, I liked the development between the characters, and the relationship fallout with Yoon and building with Yul was pretty well done imo. However the ending was kinda of a trainwreck. Even if it ended "happy"
The final drama with Naush breaking up with yul at the end was resolved poorly. This is because the time the webtoon spent focusing on the characters dealing with the breakup wasnt enough, it was like going 0 to 100, from awful circumstances to happy again.
It mostly showed Yul feeling awful, and I feel like the silly encouter with shinwhateverhisname was and him lying about Yul sleeping with him, aswell as their other interactions was kinda eh... really kind of a waste of time? I mean wouldnt Shin care about why Naush broke up with Yul in the first place and try to confront Naush? I thought they were friends. (It kinda belittles Shins character development when he just goes after Yul again here)
Also Shin doesnt tell Yul they didnt do it, and thats never addressed again, so assumingly Yul is thinking he did it with shin. This makes the "reconcillation" sex Yul has with Naush when they're back together at the end feel well.. disingenuous? It kinda soils it.
Anyway, that whole thing was unnecessary to me, pretty much ruined the story for me.
Moving on, Naush basically didnt get any cool down development from the dramatic break up, we just see a couple of shots of him looking like hes dead and then suddenly hes ok again, and ready to jump back into Yuls arms.
Overall I feel like there wasnt enough development post-breakup, niether of them
felt redeemed for their actions, I wish the author focused on that more, I'd feel happier for them in the end, alas, I dont, and it feels rushed and slapped together.
A good example of a webtoon that does a good job handling the cool down after a big negative event is "Bj Alex"..
BTW Spoils for it if you haven't read it, (its real good shit so go do that)
In BJ Alex, we have enough time for each character to see how they're feeling after they part, and Alex even feels like hes slighlty redeemed when he admits he's in love, and admits he doesnt deserve Dongyun. We even see Dongyun try to cope, and eventually admit he still loves Alex too. This way as a reader we are on the same page as the characters, so when the reconsile, it feels right, because we know the intentions behind both characters.
Even after Alex and Dongyun get together the story doesnt end, we see the characters struggle to be the best they can be for eachother, and this helps redeem Alex's asshole behavior from before even more, as he supports Dongyun. When the story does it ends it feels soooo right, all the loose strings tied up, and I can believe the couple will be ok.
Naush and Yul However, I can only hope Naush tells the truth about relationship threating problems, and Yul never abuses Naush like he did before when he was insecure.
Anyway, thats my two cents, I was feeling really unsatisfied so I needed to expressed my opinions. I need to read something soft now. Here I come Star x Fanboy.
(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ