Why i feel like the author wanna make us feel sorry for mido, making him a crybaby, and see the blonde dude like look he's the bad guy of the story for wanting to rape jichan WHEN LITERALLY MIDO HAS BEEN DOING THAT THE WHOLE 50 CHAPTERS!??
Whenever i see authors portray latino-americans (gunner) in manhwas/manga always is, or alcoholic or abusive lol I mean, we DO have alcoholic problems and the majority of us have abusive parents, but not all of us
That's the worst way to start a 2nd season, I feel so bad for MC, they looked so cute back then (although Gunner was a bit psycho, but you can empathize with him a little back then bc all he knew was violence and abuse from his father) now he lost all
Why i feel like the author wanna make us feel sorry for mido, making him a crybaby, and see the blonde dude like look he's the bad guy of the story for wanting to rape jichan WHEN LITERALLY MIDO HAS BEEN DOING THAT THE WHOLE 50 CHAPTERS!??