Does anybody know how to talk,read,write Korean, if so can you tell me any tips on how to learn the language. Thank youu!!!

Wellll I am not fluent or anything but I did take a Korean class... tip #1 learn the hangeul ( there is literally no way around it....you might as well not learn anything if you don’t learn hangeul).
Definitely get your self a workbook and a textbook for it if you really wanna learn how to write and actually learn and understand Korean. I recommend the textbooks from talk to me in Korean and from integrated Korean. (You basically do need one to learn grammar and stuff if you are going for self taught route.) There are not super expensive a piece but they do get pricey as you progress further. You can use YouTube channels and apps....but from experience I would say they are only effective to a limit. You really need to nail down the basics so you need to understand how it works (for grammar and stuff). Therefore, I highly recommend a textbook and workbook. If you are serios prepare to put in some money. Though there are free stuff... (like talk to me in Korean). But like I said they are limited.
Try like in any other language to integrate your self.....listen to Korean music, watch Korean tv shows, etc. you will slowly be able to recognize words.
REPETITION IS KEY!!! Set a list of vocabulary words for your self and learn them. By learn them I mean....write and rewrite so many times till you can recognize it when you see it, know what it means, how to use it, and have a general idea of what it sounds like. If you hear it you should be able to recall spelling. And know what it mean. By doing this you can piece together sentences and figure out what they mean.(If you know hangeul and pronouncation rules our should theoretically know how to pronounce all words....Korean is a phonetic language after all.) like learning any language this is a long process. Don’t expect immediate results. But good luck! Hope this was helpful. Also download an app like (duolingo or Memrise for help....they don’t teach you but they are great help!) send me a message if you want tips or help on apps....or anything really. I will try to help with my limited expirence

OMG, you have know idea how greatful I am that you gave me such helpful tips. Thank you so much and sorry to bother you. Yes I have always wanted to learn Korean but I just did not know how to start. I don't know how to expand but I kind of just wanted a push on trying to achieve my goal. I WILL try my best on learning, I mean I am just 16 years old and I have a long way ahead of me. Lol, thank you so very much. I also hope you get fluent in Korean. Anyway again thank you, I hope u have a nice day or night lol

Of course it was no bother at all! I am 17 and I had the opportunity to take a Korean class....however I wasn’t able to continue to take it but I want to continue....however self study is hard you some how end up no having enough time...So best of luck!! You have made me want to continue to learn it again! Also sorry for the bunch of grammar mistakes....I hope it was not hard to read...I was too lazy to edit.

Is ther
e any anime websites i can watch for free

Gross guys. don't recommend kissanime. Alternatives that aren't actual dogshit:

When did u get hooked on bl? What made you like it?

Tow years ago (I really got hooked) but I read my first yaoii like 7 years ago. I blame it on my sister, because she introduced me to anime and manga. Two years ago I found castle heaven (idk what the name was because I'm not actually reading it anymore) on YouTube and I thought it was hot as hell. Basically I started reading yaoi as pirnuntill I found warehouse and other stories wich had actual drama in them. Now I've read all best yaois but still can't stop...
Anybody like yaoi, talking about shipping people, open, don't get mad easy, up to finding new friends, plzzzz let's be friends and we can make an IG Group chat and talk to knew peopleabout those things....
can i joinnn??~(⌒▽⌒) my insta is @shania.jj
im in lol" my ig is @evpeachie
I’m down my ig is @booster393 (⌒▽⌒)
Wait...that was my personal account Σ(っ°Д °;)っ I meant @Captain.Blue20
Totally up for [email protected]
Can i join too, please? My ig isn@c_kurohime (might not always be active though) (●'◡'●)ノ
my IG is @h6neyb9ar.
I'm interested in joining as well. my ig is @yuiimiku
Does your ass still smell like curry?
i'd love to join!! my ig is @chuu.mxi