Wahhh as someone who loves history & is also interested in fashion history (specifically european/western) seeing them act like pockets in dresses weren't standard in history, I cry(/TДT)/ at the very least this story made it seem more like it's how things are in THIS world, which is supposedly set in a novel written by twat in the modern world who decided to write in a historical setting simply for the visual aesthetics (which. Tbh. Are most rofan out there), and not reflective of actual history.
For those who don't know: yes, pockets were very much a standard in history, especially with wider skirts and dresses - even if a pocket wasn't directly sown onto the skirt, there would be a separate pouch underneat that one could access from a slit in the skirt. They started getting rid of them as the ideal fashion shape became more straight and focusing more on the human figure (think of the 1920s to now and how slim/bodytight a lot of the fashion has been).
Honestly, bring pockets back. I have a few skirts with huge-ass pockets and they're amazing, I can put away so much stuff without it being noticeable, and I feel less stressed about someone snatching something away when I'm not looking (bc you'd have to dig into my pockets to get something, and I'd definitely feel it). 100% recommend for everyone who likes flowy skirts.

yo, respectfully, wHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK??
Tbh it's really interesting but holy shit I never saw this coming??? He's so ew with the whole monster/chaos appearance, I thought we gor rid of him for good so it's interesting to see him still be here, somewhat, as a monster mutant with some of his sanity still there. But also. What the actual fuck.

It do be fun when these stories finally get to the parts of the story I've read spoilers of literal years ago, back when the series first started and novel readers talked about them in the comments. It's then also a bit of a surprise to me to see people who aren't aware of the same things ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
Here's some SPOILERS !!!!!! that I vaguely remember for y'all:
(Take these with a grain of salt as these are just things I vaguely remember reading from other commentors)
First of all, the woman from the orphanage Leo talked about positively - if I remembe right, p sure she was responsible for what happened with Leo and her mother. Her mother's remains might've been buried behind the orphanage. I have a vague memory that she was involved with Leo's bio dad and the two fooled her bio mum and got her killed. Again, don't take this as sure fact!
Second, yes, Leo will get an adoptive mother, and they'll be a happy family together. Y'all who hate even the idea of Leo getting a mum/another parental figure to dote on her, just because she would be potentially romantically involved with the dad, truly baffle me. Y'all nuts. "Don't want this story to focus on romance" my ass, you already said you just don't want to see this fictional man with someone else bc you're jealous. Hey, spoiler alert: Leo gets her own romance interest too! He has already made an appearance in the story as well.
From what we've seen of the story so far, I think you'd be crazy to assume this story to suddenly shift from family to romance?? Like, the two can co-exist, y'know. I have no doubt this story is going to do it well.
Those are at least some spoilers that come to my mind, with bit of a rant included ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

According to spoilers shared in these comments, if I understood correctly, Rania is technically the true biological child of the Duke and late Duchess - her physical body, that is. According to spoilers there was this cult who wanted to swap souls and infiltrate the Duke's mansion (again, if I understood correctly). I wonder if the discomfort the Duke is feeling is the same as Camilla, when her soul was in the other world and the other way around? I vaguely remember the maid/servant explaining that people will feel uncomfortable and possibly even disdain towards those who don't have the "correct" soul inside the body. I don't know if this is the case, but I do wonder.

If I remember right, Adelia will get to see a scene where all of her family members are dead (killed by Lucian), and her and Lucian are quite lovey dovey/in love within her illusion. Meanwhile for Lucian, he basically also saw an illusion of her - in bed, if you get what I mean lol ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
Take this with a grain of salt as I don't understand Korean and checked the raws ages ago while very sleep-deprived, so I could definitely be remembering wrong or misinterpreting things.

I READ THIS CHAPTER ORIGINALLY MONTHS AGO AND NEVER REALISED ROBBER X LOVER IS GETTING ANIMATED!!! I think I'll need to start learning korean or at least translate these info bits from authors when I read the raws
Either way hell yeah this makes me happy, we need more romance webtoons animated, not just the action ones!!
Also, I doubt there will be a hiatus on the English chapters considering this happened months ago and they tend to just move on anyway if the original has continued past it.
Tbh I don't care if their relationship is romantic, platonic, or familial, all I know is that it's special for sure. I don't know if I'd go as far as to say they're soulmates (which doesn't indicate romance btw), but either way, I love seeing more of them.
That being said, if anyone knows any good fics with the two of them, please do share ヾ(☆▽☆) again, don't care what kind of relationship they have in specifics so I'm good with all, romance included
My opinion with a little spoiler.
I believe there is another character in the future that is more a Soulmate to him hahahaha but that's just because they are complete opposites, and they get along pretty well. Even his Sahyungs says that they are the best match of a person. Of course, nothing romantic, just their personalities matches too well.
Who is it?
I also wanna know!!!
It's Lim So Byung, the king of the bandits. Even the Hua Disciples says that he is the perfect opposite and match of CM since he is half-bandit and CM is half-taoist. Even their personalities blend pretty well. He appears around chapter +440 so half the story so far.
The Mc collecting a harem of strong boys. May the yaoi gods make this manhua's future zesty!! ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~