shitcory December 29, 2024 3:16 pm

I understand the frustration with FL's apparent lack of realisation or suspicion regarding the Duke/ML (I presume) and not even giving it a thought that he mighr be the true ML the game is looking for. However, I feel we shouls remember that the FL has repeated his game hundreds of times, stuck in a loop between the og ML candidates and going through them over and over again. Not even the endings - she just said you can die if you don't have everything perfect, and even the happy endings seem to be downright terrifying and violent, if I've understood her memories right.

Either way, she has been stuck in a cycle of abuse for a long, long time, and I believe it's understandable she still clings to the pattern she's used to and is stuck in a certain mindset. That's what people who are abused tend to do, they're just trying to survive, and sometimes that requires one to be a certain way (or our brains do shit in order to protect us from the trauma).

I think, if we allow her to heal a bit more and give her time, she will come to realise it. I'd personally hope for the Duke to be honest with her about him knowing the truth, but maybe there is a restriction on that aspect due to the system? Who knows. Either way, I'm curious to see where things go next.

    BaconRaptor December 29, 2024 11:19 pm

    the thing I honestly don't understand - I totally get what you said and agreed - but she is actively looking for the person, she's desperate, right? she has the system where she can "enter" the name of the true ML..
    so she could just be like "I'm gonna think about it a bit, get some names and then go back to the castle (bc the system only works there?) and just test every name ever"..
    and that dude would honestly be on top of the list bc he's suspicious af.. suddenly appearing out of nowhere after clearing all routes and being on her side and whatnot..
    honestly? I would have checked his name just for the funsies before leaving the castle bc there's no penalty of it's wrong (if I remember correctly)

    that's honestly the one thing that irks me when it comes to her behavior..she's desperate, but not desperate enough to just give it a try despite nothing bad that can happen?

    Greynex December 30, 2024 1:10 am
    the thing I honestly don't understand - I totally get what you said and agreed - but she is actively looking for the person, she's desperate, right? she has the system where she can "enter" the name of the true... BaconRaptor

    Yep I though so too, if she can she should put the names of all the people she remembers in the password and see which one is right

    shitcory December 30, 2024 2:01 am
    the thing I honestly don't understand - I totally get what you said and agreed - but she is actively looking for the person, she's desperate, right? she has the system where she can "enter" the name of the true... BaconRaptor

    I'm aware and def agree. I just also can't fathom what it must be like to be stuck in a specific system for so long to be suddenly separated - humans tend to stick to whatevee they're familiar with, and if we imagine all of ML's tattoo leaves are of when she has died, she must have gone through a ton of trauma. I imagine it's similar to the psychology of abuae victims ofter getting together with people who are abusers without realising it, as it is what they're familiar with and getting out of the loop can be extremely diffocult, even with the right resources. Of course, this is just from what I've read and heard, I don't have personal experience on this area thankfully, but I do have friends who have the habits of sinking into similar toxic/borderline abusive relationships with different people over and over again.

    oshawott December 30, 2024 2:53 am

    ppl hating on her? then they should isekai and live her life

    BaconRaptor December 30, 2024 11:08 am
    I'm aware and def agree. I just also can't fathom what it must be like to be stuck in a specific system for so long to be suddenly separated - humans tend to stick to whatevee they're familiar with, and if we i... shitcory

    jup jup, that's why I can see why she's acting like she is :) like you I (thankfully) have no experience for situations like that, so I don't know how realistic it would be for her to think about just trying the names, but I do know the comment section around here and people are prolly be like "oh she's so stupid" and whatnot..

    dunno if my original comment sounded like that but I definitely didn't intend it to but like I said, dunno what's realistic in her situation or not, I just think maybe at least thinking once a out trying out random names would have been a realistic thing to do

    Melonwater December 30, 2024 12:36 pm
    ppl hating on her? then they should isekai and live her life oshawott

    I think not her but rather her actions and way of trying. And hating is not the right word maybe "frustrated"? Idk that what I think and feel. I don't hate her for doing it like she's doing it rn but it annoys me that she has so many possibilities that she could use but she doesn't and rather it's just revealed once and then let go as if it's nothing important to the plot.

    Babydolluvv January 2, 2025 11:13 am
    the thing I honestly don't understand - I totally get what you said and agreed - but she is actively looking for the person, she's desperate, right? she has the system where she can "enter" the name of the true... BaconRaptor

    i get why people don’t understand the female leads actions because no one has experienced being murdered/tortured multiple times. experiencing trauma as severe as she did would definitely affect a persons ability to think clearly significantly.

    she shows a lot of signs on how her cognitive functions are being affected due to a stress response by her traumatic memories, often leading her to make choices that us readers cannot comprehend because we legit cannot put ourselves in her shoes.

    hopefully now that she’s out of the palace she can think more clearly since she’s in an environment where she can finally breathe but it doesn’t erase the trauma she already endured so I don’t know about that.

    Babydolluvv January 2, 2025 11:16 am
    I think not her but rather her actions and way of trying. And hating is not the right word maybe "frustrated"? Idk that what I think and feel. I don't hate her for doing it like she's doing it rn but it annoys ... Melonwater

    i understand why people are frustrated but idk why anyone is expecting her to make rash decisions when her cognitive functions are already so badly affected by the trauma she’s experienced. she can’t even remember anything about her life before being in the game & even forgot her name at one point because of how bad her psyche is now. no person in their right mind would do as better as she did if they were to be in her shoes.

    BaconRaptor January 2, 2025 11:30 am
    i get why people don’t understand the female leads actions because no one has experienced being murdered/tortured multiple times. experiencing trauma as severe as she did would definitely affect a persons abi... Babydolluvv

    I think my only issue with this explanation is the fact that you don't really see how she's affected, you know? I've read several stories where people have reincarnated and whatnot and have suffered sth terrible and you can actually see it in their actions and "get explanations" - like you can see how stressed they are when they are alone, they can stop pretending to be strong, they actually lose themselves..
    for me this series (as far as I remember at least ) is more like the best example on how to not deal with drama: solo leveling.
    dude gut ripped apart by horrible statues and lost everyone and whatnot. and just in the next chapter he easily deals with wolves without even being bothered to enter another dungeon? didn't even care when he saw THE statue again..

    so for me her reactions in this series are too calm? like yeah, ofc she's like "omg he killed me", but she also got tortured.. yet she's still able to normally talk to them? dunno if I got tortured and killed and remembered that and I had to see the person who did that to me I probably would puke a bit first or sth and not be like "oh no I don't want to talk to them"

    you know what I mean? that's my issue as to why I think she's acting kinda weird, bc it doesn't really look like she's affected much by it.. she doesn't even really seem like emotionally distanced from it all

    shitcory January 2, 2025 4:25 pm
    I think my only issue with this explanation is the fact that you don't really see how she's affected, you know? I've read several stories where people have reincarnated and whatnot and have suffered sth terribl... BaconRaptor

    In my opinion, she has been constantly forced to interact with the guys who have abused her, the system giving her zero choice on how she can act or what she can say. She's had barely any choice until now. Human brains also tend to shield ourselves from trauma and it can cause different reactions with different peoole (ie. forgetting things happened, or knowing they happened but not remembering the details). I've noticed that I, personally, despite my traumas not being nearly close to being murdered and tortured over and over again, my brain's reaction to them is to shut off my emotions. I'm still aware they happened, and I can talk about them openly and think about them. I just don't feel the emotions (or to the degrees I probably should), but people around me wouldn't describe me as "emotionally distanced", even if I somewhat am.

    Ofc your viewpoint is valid, and this is just my way of choosing to intepret the story so far and their portrayal of the situation. Avoidance is another way of dealing with these things, and because she cannot physically distance herself from them until now, I can see her distancing them in her mind just enough so she doesn't lose her mind.

    I would definitely like it if there was given more attention and time to her trauma, and I don't deny the intrepertations that the story isn't doing enough or good enough of a job, and my mind might still change in the future.

    shitcory January 2, 2025 4:28 pm
    In my opinion, she has been constantly forced to interact with the guys who have abused her, the system giving her zero choice on how she can act or what she can say. She's had barely any choice until now. Huma... shitcory

    Accidentally sent it before I was done.
    Either way, basically I'm open to different opinions and just shared my own. I'm more open towards the story and what they do wi=^ it, but depending on where they go from here, I can see myself changing my mind on it.
    All opinions on this are valid, I'm glad people are having a conversation about it in my replies instead of arguing about subjective things.

    BaconRaptor January 2, 2025 10:29 pm
    Accidentally sent it before I was done.Either way, basically I'm open to different opinions and just shared my own. I'm more open towards the story and what they do wi=^ it, but depending on where they go from ... shitcory

    yeah same :)

    just interested in seeing how other people see a story who might have a different background or knowledge of a certain situation

    for now I'll continue reading it to see where it goes, but at least for me personally it's kinda difficult (?) to read bc I'm missing reactions which are "natural" in my eyes. like you I can simply only go by my experiences and at least from that (and the person that I am) I would have acted drastically different..

    reminds me of a discussion I had on another series where it was completely understandable for me why the MC acted like she did, but another person said she was acting stupid (tho couldn't discuss with that person properly about their view and opinions, which is sad).

    especially for topics like those (trauma, harassment, ..) it's interesting to hear and see how other people deal with it, not only to get a new view on the story, but maybe even to be able to understand someone irl a bit better

shitcory January 6, 2025 11:38 pm

Feels like pages are missing from the recent chapter (64). The beginning feels so disconnected from the previous chapter, there's no way this is its

Edit: didn't realise a whole chapter was missing. It been added now, things make more sense now.

shitcory December 26, 2024 7:03 pm

Gods, I hate how Metatron is how he is while possessing the brother's body. It makes me cringe so much, I absolutely hate it! Bro can't get it to his thick head that in the bodies they possess rn, they're siblings, and keeps making these romantic insinuations towards her - frankly, it makes me feel disgusted, it's not even funny.

shitcory December 25, 2024 2:49 am

After binging the first 23 chapters, here's things that came to my mind that I wanted to comment on:

For one, I hope we'll now get to see Eden be able to leave MC's room more freely from now on. The whole reason as to why she didn't want him to go anywhere was so he and her sister wouldn't meet, and now that she discovered the true nature of the curse (person becomes obsessed with the last person they see before the curse activates/finalises), she should be able to realise that was the reason for things to happen in the OG plot. Now that the curse is broken, that should no longer happen.

I also wonder if the dad has been aware of MC's constitution all along? The fact that she is a human mana stone, I mean. He purposely gave Eden to her, intending for him to get attached to her and obsessively protect her after. I assume in the og plot, MC had probably disregarded Eden, so her sister had somehow come to be in contact with him, and presumably be the last person he sees --> leading to the obsession he had in the og plot. We know MC originally died bc her constitution was discovered and her life force was drained. This makes me think this could've been a way for the Duke to protect bis daughter (or who knows, use her in some way), as Eden's obsession would have had her kidnapped and not let anyone else take her away or do anything to her.

I'm really curious on Canon's deal. He acts dumber most of the time, but there have been 2-3 moments now when the MC points out how different he has acted for. I'm just curious as to why he'd pretend to be an idiot if he isn't, what benefit does it give him? Definitely an interesting choice.

Last, WHERE IS OUR SISTER??? We've barely seen her, and I really, reallu was hoping to get way more sisterly bonding!! Outrageous I say, outrageous! (/hj) Σ(  ̄□ ̄||)

shitcory December 4, 2024 10:36 pm


shitcory November 29, 2024 9:22 pm

I can't be the only one who is genuinely disgusted & creeped out by fabian (with how he trears literally everyone it seems) and can't fucking wait for him to get punneled and his shit kicked. He was already unlikeable from how he treated our girl Jun but getting to actually see him actively interact w others and exist in the story is RAHH (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸 like bro if you're going to be a dumb asshole at the very least you could be somewhat charismatic and a likeable character from a reader's pov but he's not even that. I really really really want to punch him in the face.

shitcory November 18, 2024 7:43 pm


Absolutely loved seeing more of the hs gang's dynamics, I love how supportive Tojou (?) is of Hatano and his crush, but I also love how he makes fun of his reactions lol

shitcory November 16, 2024 12:20 pm

Some of you are confused at rhe latest cliffhanger, and I get it! So I'm here to provide spoilers I dug around for from the novelupdates forum ages ago - be aware to take these with a grain of salt, as the two people I saw mention this both mentioned mtl and reading someone else's comment.


Essentially, we're dealing with the third life trope. Their first life was what MC thought of as a novel she reincarnated into. Empress realised her love for her after her death, and now after reading the newest chapter, I presume went through the dragon awakening thing. I believe she wished to start over or something like that, so begins their second life. Their second life was set in the modern worl, where the two lived together as a single mother and a daughter. If I remember right, the Empress passed away first in that life. And then we get to their current life!

I may misremember things, and I remember going to look for spoilers was such a fucking chore due to how most of the discussions were about the Empress' gender and title, and there weren't any organised spoilers. Feel free to go look for more yourself, and feel free to correct me if you know more.

shitcory November 11, 2024 12:23 am

I figured we'd get smut one day thanks to the tags but omg that was sudden lol

Tbh the moment he put it on and said it'd likely be of the last dungeon, I thought "it's prob gonna show a scene of them two in the future" instead, and damn was I right - just wasn't expecting to see that much dick already ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

shitcory November 8, 2024 10:17 am

I can never get over how most people in these comment sections seem to refuse to see the complexity and nuance shown in these stories Σ(  ̄□ ̄||) like, hello??? That is the whole point here??? If you can't see it, there's not much I can do for you but to tell you to try better. Or if you don't like it, you can always not read it.
Did Sion kill her in the past? Yes. Does she still suffer from trauma from all of their past lives? Yes. Is he completely innocent? Not at all, nor is the story trying to say so. What the story is doing is showing the complexity of their situation, and bringing out the humanity in it/them. Like this is the shit I'm signed up for, showing the complexity that is human nature and emotions and relationships, I'd rather take this than a black-and-whit3 mindset story where x is 100% bad and y is 100% good.

I don't really have the energy to go into more detail here, I've def replied in older comments here or commented myself where I've gone into more depth on my thoughts and the story ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

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