Y’all HAVE to read the novel. For the love of God, it gets so good

Lmfao here
If this link doesn’t work, just search ‘flowers are bait novel’

I love how Cesare is internally suffering, but I hate how he treats her. Like dude, you can’t claim you want her for yourself, but treat her like you do, especially with the whole society thinking she’s your sister. He’s just a piece of shit all around. There are better men, more suited to be her love interest instead, but we all know that ain’t happening.

Accidental pregnancy trope with a red flag man, idk. Not a trope I’d willingly read, yet here I am. An interesting dynamic to say the least, and while sex is great, isn’t this a bit too excessive lol? Even for a pregnant woman I think that much dick would be exhausting (I never been pregnant, so idk, but I’m assuming)
When they tell you to chill but we’re all just chill guys wanting to see some pegging