I'm sorry but I have to say this. Jeongyoon is kinda stupid. And naive and immature. Childish even.
Am I ever going to see them in domestic bliss, all peaceful and lovey dovey
Give me your top 5 best yaoi/shounen ai to re-read over and over again
We've already got a fair share of Lyle getting jealous. Isn't it Ash's turn pls for the love of
I want someone to look up at me like that with their mouth on my shoulder
No words to describe how much I adore them both together
It'd be so much hotter once he matures and grows up, but keeps a little bit of his crybaby side
Pls send yaoi recs that have a good plot and deliciously butterfly inducing romance with not a lot of focus on the deed but if they do the deed it's fluffy and all kinds of beautiful?