Hello I think o recently read this on the site but I can't find it again and it's driving me nuts.
It was a typical yaoi school manga where one guy was average looking and was crushing on his popular best friend. The best friend confronted him and the other guy starts crying but it turns out the popular guy likes him as well and the start dating. The average looking guy doesn't believe he's good enough for the popular guy and doesn't seem to believe they're dating. He gets drunk on accident at a friend's house and the popular guy picks him up and is jealous and asks the guy how he can get him to believe he actually likes him etc. Sorry for the long post but I really can't remember their names or the manga for the life of me..
I dropped this around the bullying arc and was too scared to come back is it okay to skip over and come back or is it worth reading through
It's worth it reading through. Relax, now we're on our comfort arc
Please come back! Yeonwoo is finally in a happy relationship with Haesol (there's still some drama waiting to happen but we're getting there). And I think reading thise parts makes it much more satisfying when we finally reach the latest chapters
Thanks for the responses