this is just too understandable coming from every character’s perspective to one sidedly dogpile on one character. on one hand, blue haired girl’s intentions for jinhyeong seems like they’re coming from a good place but it’s a place without forethought and consideration for the other person’s party. but since we’re not omnipotent beings who can interpret thoughts from looking at a face, it’s also easy to ignore signs cuz not all of us are experts on deciphering body language. but what’s glaringly obvious was that jinhyeong was REEKING with dissatisfaction and again!! she ignored it with an excuse she was doing it for his “own good” or leveraging her difficult experiences over his. i think she just wanted to be cared for or taken care of for once (which everybody expects from their bfs) but as an older person like gorl YOU should be knowing better. it seems disingenuous when ur asking ur partner to do something for u, not as a favour out of goodwill, but as a repayment for a deed you’ve done for them. it would’ve almost seemed like ur just there for transactional gains. again, it’s not inherently bad to ask help from ur partner. ITS NOT BAD AT ALL. ex gf can’t rlly be blamed cuz she wasn’t informed of the difficulties that jinhyeong was going through solely bcuz of his inability to frankly communicate his insecurities/difficulties but he also can’t be blamed cuz complete admittance is a tough task for almost anyone plus it’s a defence mechanism conditioned to protect himself. relationships are delicate and fragile so it’s such a blessing to see such a portrayal of what genuinely is a good, healthy, loving and trustful relationship in fiction. just goes to show a relationship can never be a one-way road (ex gf’s overbearing duty to take everything upon herself, jinhyeong’s hesitance to seek an honest & open relationship) tho idk cuz I’ve never dated