some might skip this because it might be weird. but I saw past its muddy exterior, picked it up, wiped its mud away and in my hand glowered a piece of uncut diamond. U guys r srsly missing out. This is the USA I want

Its honestly a breath of fresh air. Normally its the other way around, a group of perverts gangbanging someone who may or may not want it. Instead this guy made it an open secret that he has a pvssy and slept with all of his subordinates and soldiers. How much of a boss b*tch do you have to be to suck a group of the best warriors in your country dry in a single night, get up, and tell them ":this the best you got? You aint shit. " how badass do you have to be for your womb to auto reject anything short of literal royalty.

Hi guys. It’s renewed and enlightened Goopydoop here. It’s only been 30 mins since I tried to read the novel out of morbid curiosity (I shouldn’t have done that) and I skimmed over everything until the end. My final verdict…….. I humbly apologize for my narrow-minded thinking and suspicions of the terrible reviews of this novel. It is indeed very bad. Multiple times I had to look up at the sky on God’s green earth & question why some people invented literacy. This was so bad it made me want to time travel back to the Stone Age and wear leaves over myself and hunt along with our fellow cavemen, the simpler times before literacy was created. Next time I will always listen to spoilers

The artist Illustrator of all these works is effectively Lee Geumsan, they're not the one writing these stories (though that doesn't change much the issue...). Author who wrote Sadistic and bl sides is different from the one writing Rev. Think.
Agree that while the premise of plot had potential, it got completely WTF After. Even the 'revenge' plot hot lost since it reveals to be just aggraving porn

* got lost.
I believe you could do a better job for this writing too, as this one as we see is nothing but nonsense from start to end.
Some cues: the sudden change in their mood, like atmosphere of their relationship, the shift from ultra violent and rape scenes to scenes where they jokingly speak to each other, also kiss each other... like nothing ever happened and it's just normal to treat people like this... The fact that these changes and shift keep happening throughout the story WITHOUT any reason, motives or explanations to them (other than 'they're fucked up') is a clear proof of a bad writing, riled with plotholes and incoherences. I can describe you also, even atp, how this 'revenge' story doesn't make sense at all

nah this is so true. you can still tackle the issues in this story such as like the (rape, assault, trauma) because including those topics people normally shy away from doesn’t automatically make your story bad! taboo, maybe, but a true GOOD psychological story can make you feel horrified, intrigued, hate or root for the characters. this one is just plain trauma shoved into a sack thrusted in ur face. maybe ppl can argue “well how are we supposed to know how a psychopath thinks?” WELL THIS IS A STORY!!!!! it needs to be digestible to be enjoyable. this is plain bad writing hand in hand with immense hatred for the male species

Right? I agree to what you say.
The fact there's rape or SA, PTSD in a story isn't and shouldn't be a criterias to judge of the quality of a book. Where lies the problem is when these elements, problematics, are added into a story and it feels as these were just thrown there for shock value or morbid curiosity or bc authors need them to write something.
A story is like a math formula: when a number or letter is put into the calculation, by 1+1, we should get 2, or 2-1, we should get 1... So if a problematic is put into the life of said characters, we should know the reasons, motives, how this will impact the life of A, B, and how they'll get away from it (redemption or not), and this, for every aspects that compose the universe of the story, characters, their background etc...
In Reverse Thinking, there are all these bullying - first the ml, and later the mc; there's all these abuses and g/rapes, yet... where's everybody else? Where's mc parents, friends? Or is he an orphan? (Please can you tell me something about why nobody or if there was someone looking for his whereabouts? I dropped novel and manhwas, so it'll help to understand better).
Where's the police...? Couldn't the ml's parents do something to help their kid since it's a wealthy household...
All these questions where there's not responses aside 'take that into your face' is characteristic of poorly written, rotten plots.
This story, like The Bad Life and the kinds of No Reason, feels like fever dreams in the sense that the actions, wrongdoings of these people have no impact in the social environement they live in; there's no justice and retributions AT ALL. Not only that but their social interactions don't seem logical nor humanly acceptable.
About why these authors write 'bl' without romance like this and why Lee Geumsan keep illustrating these only... It's maybe better not to know what's motivated them to do that.

When you speak about a story being 'digestible' despite the grave subjects it displays, I can only think of this important element that comes towards the end of a book and constitutes the 'resolution, solution' part of the problem, such as redemption arc, resilience or forgiveness, also retribution arc, punishment, death as a result to pay for our crimes, sins... All these represent the moral or philosophale aspect of a story, and whether we agree or not, is essential to such work. To appease readers, hearts and minds, to set things in order... However as we know, there's NONE of these in stories like this one. None, nada, niet.
Silence of the Lambs is a classic movies bc despite the serial killer being a genius in his kind, he still got caught by police. There's a strong implication of evil vs justice there that's totally absent in these rapey nonsense plots.

It was difficult, hard, agonizing, and torturous to read because all the aggravating scenes of torture sex and torment the bottom went through was just.. there for the sake of being there. No poignant issue or systemic errors the book could’ve tried to highlight by showcasing those brutal scenes like shedding light on the struggles of male SA victims In some cases, really delving into the graphical aspect of “those” scenes can be a game-changer if it delivers a wake-up-call-esque message in the end. Meanwhile in this story, those scenes, without any message to deliver, just makes you feel like you’re THERE alongside that psychotic POS torturing the bottom too. With no motif, those violent scenes just fall flat and become more as a fetishizing piece. I felt dirty, disgusting and sullied for just reading that novel. Anyways I’m just praying the manhwa takes a different path but I honestly won’t rely on the author of sadistic beauty at all LMAO
Best ending for a fucked up story like this in the end is if one of the leads, or better yet, both leads get sent off to an asylum forever or die, because no matter what, such a dark piece of fiction cannot be redeemed

Hi guys. It’s renewed and enlightened Goopydoop here. It’s only been 30 mins since I tried to read the novel out of morbid curiosity (I shouldn’t have done that) and I skimmed over everything until the end but I feel like I’ve aged 20 years. My final verdict…….. I humbly apologize for my narrow-minded thinking and suspicions of the terrible reviews of this novel. It is indeed very bad. Multiple times I had to look up at the sky on God’s green earth why some people invented literacy. This was so bad it made me want to time travel back to the Stone Age and wear leaves over myself and hunt along with our fellow cavemen. Next time I will always listen to spoilers

PLEASE READ AT UR OWN RISK!!! PLS IM WARNING U!!! Wear uv ray goggles or something to keep the toxic writing away
anyways here it is
ah yes my fav gender: proactive hyungs that love consensual sex and getting their backs blown out by their cute puppy semes