notyouraveragegirl May 9, 2021 1:28 pm

You just heard a few chapters ago about the situation he went through where I think someone he loved died next to him after a bomb exploded, and he ended up surviving. I get this words most of the time are harsh, but you can just tell by his face how much he is in love with Yoon. He also apologizes to Yoon when he says stupid things which I feel is something he never did before was give in to his ex-wife hence her anger towards him. I'm disappointed in him in some ways, but I still love them together.

As for the ex, GTFO already. The FIRST thing you did was introduce that new guy to Yoon, the FIRST thing. I don't care that he moved on people. i care how he treated Yoon the second he saw him and felt justified in those actions, and now he's full of regret. Sorry, Kwon treats him better, and next chapter I think people are going to see some of the real Kwon.

    Rush200 May 9, 2021 2:01 pm

    I completely agree, I just hope yoon doesn’t view that little act as anything more than just an act on the directors part! I feel like he’s gonna try and break up with the director though to avoid going back to how he was with his ex!

    Honestly I don’t see the point in bringing up his ex cuz honestly he done been erased from my mind he and his crazy NEW MAN can go to hell for all I care I just want yoons beautiful self to be finally loved unconditionally! I hope the directors ex wife don’t get into shit

    nami4ni May 9, 2021 2:16 pm

    i completely agree with the ex part but i still don't feel like what ceo went through does justify his actions towards yoon he played him like a yo-yo, push and pull push and pull and he always expected to understood but never tried to understand yoon

    notyouraveragegirl May 9, 2021 2:33 pm
    i completely agree with the ex part but i still don't feel like what ceo went through does justify his actions towards yoon he played him like a yo-yo, push and pull push and pull and he always expected to und... nami4ni

    As I said, I think next chapter (only read raws) will show us more about how much he cherishes Yoon. Does he do it a little too late, yeah, but I don't think he is good with his words when it comes to his emotions, and plus, I think a part of him feels Yoon is still into the ex which he is trying to protect his own heart at the same time. Remember when he got so upset when Yoon said I just need something (sex with Kwon) to take his mind off of how he was feeling, that upset Kwon, so he backed off a little bit.

    If you have been through a traumatic experience, it really does change you, and I'm not excusing how he has been with Yoon at times (I freaking HATE that damn ring BTW), but I think it's made him scared to be that raw with someone else especially someone who might just go off to war again. The thing is Kwon also apologizes to Yoon and tries to show his affection through his actions of taking care of him, being deeply affectionate with him (can't deny that right). It's written all over his face. Deep down Yoon knows it, but he's scared too.

notyouraveragegirl May 6, 2021 11:35 pm sex for you, sir! You pervert you deserve nothing. lol HE is being unfair?

Always back to his noona. Seriously, you run around stalking this man. You haven't thought about her for a while now. STOP.

notyouraveragegirl May 6, 2021 11:26 pm text in a month is okay with everyone? I have been contacted more by guys I wasn't going out with, so if a guy did that I was seeing, I don't know that might be a deal breaker for me! lol I get that he did warn her about this, but shame on him. I really do like him, but this behavior is just cruel.

I didn't like that last look from SL, but I think it was just to mess with our heads.

    FredFriendly May 7, 2021 11:30 am

    If I were her, I would consider this ghosting.

    That last look on 3rd wheel's face is typical of a very jealous, sexual predator man who has determined to take someone else's woman by any means possible. This is such a clichéd storytelling development that is used by authors to stir NTR-like rage in the audience. A prime example of this is the series "Boku no Ie ni oide Wedding" which has a essentially identical plot line.

    iamb May 8, 2021 2:56 am

    agree completely.. It would only take 5 seconds at night to say 'I am thinking of you.. can't wait to see you'. This kind of 'trust me' is just saying I will make you suffer but you have to take it to prove you love me. :/

    xoxo4000 May 10, 2021 5:46 am

    Totally agree with you!! No matter the reason, you can't just leave your loved one like that without any explanation and expecting them to understand when you're not even letting them understand cuz you didn't explain anything!!!#-.-)

notyouraveragegirl May 6, 2021 8:35 pm

For me I don't care about the relationship part and him not wanting one, but I didn't like that HE kissed the author and then hit him, and then, he has an attitude about it. He's an immature jerk.

Ha, ha, the seme is the mature one for once!

    Coolicefun May 6, 2021 8:44 pm

    Chill the fuck out it’s not that deep or important it’s a very small part of the plot like and both are head strong Jesus I’ve seen way worse yaois of a plot line it doesn’t matter

    RandomPasserby May 6, 2021 8:51 pm

    Ehh maybe something happened to him in the past, or he's really afraid of coming out of his comfort zone. Also he was pretty drunk when they kissed, so he didn't really mean to do it, but when you're drunk sometimes you do things before your mind tells you it's a no-no.

    notyouraveragegirl May 6, 2021 8:54 pm
    Ehh maybe something happened to him in the past, or he's really afraid of coming out of his comfort zone. Also he was pretty drunk when they kissed, so he didn't really mean to do it, but when you're drunk some... RandomPasserby

    Oh, I'm sure it will be resolved sooner rather than later, and the seme is gonna be the pushover in the story no doubt about it. I never said I wouldn't like him in the future, but right now I don't see much to like TBH.

    notyouraveragegirl May 6, 2021 8:55 pm
    Chill the fuck out it’s not that deep or important it’s a very small part of the plot like and both are head strong Jesus I’ve seen way worse yaois of a plot line it doesn’t matter Coolicefun

    Oh, I'm sorry comment police. lol I can say whatever I like. That's the beauty of having MY own opinion. You calm down with your nastiness.

notyouraveragegirl May 4, 2021 2:56 pm

...I want more of him (heat eyes).

As far as our MC, I think it's pretty obvious the seme has been into the uke since they were kids considering he kissed him after the uke gave him that present. Then, he used that SAME picture later to do it again, so there's some significance there that we will find out later I'm sure. Also, he's already been possessive in front of hot to trot boss man, so that is gonna be an issue that will arise soon enough since that dinner is gonna happen soon. Just look at the way the seme stares at the uke too especially after that first kiss. That wasn't just him wanting sex stare but instead him testing the uke and his feelings, but I do believe the seme won't come forward with his feelings until the uke admits his because of fear.

It's odd that the one friend sees the uke as emotional and having a tendency to cling easily, but I honestly don't think the seme sees him like that at all. Instead, we see the seme texting first, showing up at the work getting jealous, essentially following around the uke, and it seems like it's just for sex, but he's using the sex to get closer to him emotionally hence spending the night sleeping next to him.

In the flashback, the first time we saw them as babies the uke put the pacifier back in the seme's mouth, and so we see him as caring and wanting the seme to be happy hence always pacifying him (get it) even now when he gives any sign of wanting something. He can't resist him at all.

Can we talk about how hot the seme's dad IS???? o_O HOLY HELL!

notyouraveragegirl May 3, 2021 8:42 pm

...princess style, and William was a fail as per usual. Yeah, that's a hard choice.........not.

    Luminescent_jade May 3, 2021 10:39 pm

    William pisses me off Soooo much I just can't.

    notyouraveragegirl May 3, 2021 10:52 pm
    William pisses me off Soooo much I just can't. Luminescent_jade

    William is a moron. I think he's just punishing Annie because she didn't thanks the gods he came to her and wanted her again. He couldn't even understand why she was upset about what he said back then, but the point was it took you HOW long to try and rectify it, YEARS? Sorry, see that hot blonde over there is much more appealing sir.

    "I wouldn't have left you alone." That's your prince, Annie. He comes to your rescue and doesn't hesitate. He doesn't sit there worrying about his stupid ass reputation.

    Her mom staring at Ashton though was weird. She probably is Team William. :|

    Luminescent_jade May 4, 2021 1:19 am
    William is a moron. I think he's just punishing Annie because she didn't thanks the gods he came to her and wanted her again. He couldn't even understand why she was upset about what he said back then, but th... notyouraveragegirl

    Bruh team William can go suck on wet spaghetti. I completely understand being upset with him. Sure it might have been a joke, an insensitive one at most, but yes, the fact that it took him so MANY GOD DAMN YEARS to fix it is just gross. He's not a very good friend. He just intervenes when he wants and it's not fair on Annie. She has her own pride too and she doesn't need him confusing her world. His behaviour actually just shows that she's not that important. Especially with how he chose to go with the White lotus chick when she was CLEARLY BLEEDING THE FUCK MAN. Vent over. But I would love myself an Ashton, and I don't even swing that way lol. XD That should speak for itself. (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

notyouraveragegirl May 3, 2021 6:02 pm

...we know why it's called the THIRD ending. lol

My heart hurtssssssssss after that chapter.

notyouraveragegirl May 2, 2021 4:30 pm holding his baby girl is so precious! <3

notyouraveragegirl May 2, 2021 4:26 am

...helping me with my LOH withdrawals. I just wish someone would translate it because they are FIREEEEEEEEEEEE together!!

notyouraveragegirl May 1, 2021 6:58 pm

...if and when a second season is happening? I binged this on Manta, but NOW I want a second season. :(

For those that are curious, the kiss was never fully explained. The seme (c'mon we know he would be the seme) said it wasn't a joke, and the uke and he are just friends, but I will tell you the uke is either bi or in denial. I think the reason he wants to date the FL is to keep her away from the other ML. He keeps saying they had a deal (hmm).

Also, I don't think the uke wants to come out of the closet because his mom is some famous actress who was humiliated by his director father once upon a time, and she is very sensitive (see crazy AF and mean). Plus, he is a model as well. All of them are very pretty, good looking people, every stinking one of them. lol The art is very eye catching.

I think the uke initiated the kiss, and maybe just maybe the other one was bi curious, but he also doesn't want to lose a friend could be the other reason and see him kiss someone else and have regrets (see crazy AF mother). It's such a mystery!

That is the weird part because both guys seems to be into her (more so the brown haired guy), but they have a few close moments that are questionable as well (fall down together; blonde doesn't want to leave). She has chemistry with both guys, and the guys have chemistry with each other, so yeah, it's a mess. I do think the brown haired guy is legit in love with her though since high school, and I think the blonde guy got in between them back then as well.

AND I love their friend who has the relationship with the teacher too. They are so freaking cuteeeeeee, and he was a former chubby kid (same), so I can relate to that as well.

It's really cute and well-written and has some drama to it as well, so I am PRAYING we get another season. I hope I didn't binge that for nothing, but I tried to ask Manta and got no response. :| If anyone knows about a second season, let me know!

    Miju May 1, 2021 7:31 pm

    That was so confusing so like both were kissing just out of curiosity? I thought it might be some misunderstanding like the other guy might have fallen over him by mistake or something but i wouldn't mind if it turned out shounen ai lol

    Miju May 1, 2021 7:32 pm

    Thanks for the spoiler (▰˘◡˘▰)

    notyouraveragegirl May 1, 2021 7:49 pm
    That was so confusing so like both were kissing just out of curiosity? I thought it might be some misunderstanding like the other guy might have fallen over him by mistake or something but i wouldn't mind if it... Miju

    That's the part I don't get completely, but I think maybe the brunette allowed the blonde to experiment on him versus him getting busted with some unknown dude and it becoming messy, but he MAY have enjoyed it at the same time. lol He can't tell her that he let him do that because then the blonde's secret about being bi or curious or whatever (I think gay TBH) would be revealed. He's very protective over his friends which causes them to fall for him! Every stinking one of them has a crush on the ML brunette. lol IMHO he is in love with the girl and wants to be with her.

    The brunette is mad crushing on the girl to the point of asking to fake date her! lol They are really cute together. I just enjoyed them a lot, but yeah, his answer was weird, so I do think it's true he let him do it as a friend to help him out because the uke's mother is a psycho! He did tell him to get off of him when the uke fell on him, and the uke was the one saying should I in a flirty way, so I am 99.9999% positive he initiated the kiss.

    cobrakai1972 May 9, 2021 3:40 am

    then at this point they should be in a poly relationship since both guys like each other and also her, there, boom, problem solved <33

    notyouraveragegirl May 9, 2021 12:36 pm
    then at this point they should be in a poly relationship since both guys like each other and also her, there, boom, problem solved <33 cobrakai1972

    I don't know if that's the case though. It's very ambiguous as to how the brunette feels, and I don't know if there's going to be a second season! :( I want one because it's really a good read already, so it will be even more interesting in the future.

    cobrakai1972 May 9, 2021 4:57 pm
    I don't know if that's the case though. It's very ambiguous as to how the brunette feels, and I don't know if there's going to be a second season! :( I want one because it's really a good read already, so it w... notyouraveragegirl

    nooooo I was only joking, I dont think there has been a manga that has portrayed a poly couple healthily or even at all, and yea love triangles dont count since not everyone's feelings are mutual. but anyways I doubt anything other than the kiss or if you could even call it that :/ since im still unsure what that is would happened between the boys since its a shoujo and I dont see a shounen ai either. the only possibility is one of the boys are gonna be endgame with her unless they pull a plot twist and no one ends together

    ChuYang June 21, 2021 1:52 pm

    Not everyone's feelings in a poly relationship are mutual either though. If you meant they're different from love triangles because all parties involved are willingly entering into such a relationship then agreed!

    ChuYang June 21, 2021 1:58 pm

    As far as we knew up to the point we could read on here when you posted this comment and given that you yourself said the kiss wasn't fully explained Blondie was asleep when the other guy kissed him so he wouldn't know that brunette kissed him either.

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