Wet Sand always knows how to put me in a melancholic mood. Ian’s character means so much to me, mostly because in some way, I can relate to him.
He has always been overshadowed and misunderstood due to his sexual nature and the BL storyline, but really, he’s such a tragically beautiful character in the sense that despite the lack of power over his life, Ian still lives for himself, and yearns for his own truth. Everything has been dictated by his circumstances. The struggle for autonomy has been a present theme in Ian’s character and TJ is in the flesh (symbolic), an inner reflection of his struggle to realizing his individuality. To live for himself and his wants. TJ in a sense is the “consciousness,” the objective or reality, better said the environment which shaped Ian. He is representative of the reality which Ian lacks control within. TJ quite literally looms over Ian like something inevitable, shaping Ian’s life, and he is Ian’s circumstances.
While Jo is the “unconscious,” the desire; being in control. Jo has always been representative and of what Ian wants: a normal, mundane life. But Jo is also Ian realizing himself and his identity outside of his circumstances. Jo who yearns for Ian, and chases after him, is symbolic of Ian’s need of finding himself.