Some of yall are hypocrites. I remember when Ian said he would kill for tj so many went happy crazy over it because Ian cared so much abt tj but when Ian actually killed for Jo suddenly it's an oppsite reaction then blame Jo for not being good enough to stop Ian.
Anyway, the finale of S2 shows how deeply rooted Ian trauma still is. The long term aftereffects never really disappear. Jo finally put in moral complexity which he risk his own idea for the safety of Ian, which no one has really done for Ian own sake.
This story ain't about tj. Get that through your thick ass skulls. "I came only for tj" then get piss when he doesn't show, it ain't about him. I find it ridiculous funny seeing others say tj needs find someine who love and treats him better but yall do realize Ian the way he is, is because of tj coward ass, his manipulation, and guilt tripping.
"But tj admitted it already, its development"
He been admitting it since the beginning of S1, he always knew and admitted its wrong but continue to do it, him leaving is not development when he knew that leaving put ian in danger (he has his ppl keeping an eye on Ian since he left) and needs to actually apologize and make up for those actions rather than thinking him being gone is something good when him to trying get the big boss would still directly involve Ian.
Then all this talking about tj needs a new love interest when that bastard will still choose the gang over the new love interest like he does with Ian. Asking for his own story when you already have it and it shows him being the absolute trash that he is. If you want a red flag so bad go red those red flag ml stories that aren't a love triangle.because it's shown Ian wants and needs a better life always from the gang yall and tj keep forcing him.
Ngl it makes me so damn happy seeing for the first time Ian being very clingy and sharing skinship. I never knew he'll be so cute when he's comfortable. Also the realization Ian had when he remembered how he thought Jo was just someone who would leave anyway was a big step in him talking notice that Jobis much more to him than before. It's a develop for him, Jo and for readers.
Wet Sand always knows how to put me in a melancholic mood. Ian’s character means so much to me, mostly because in some way, I can relate to him.
He has always been overshadowed and misunderstood due to his sexual nature and the BL storyline, but really, he’s such a tragically beautiful character in the sense that despite the lack of power over his life, Ian still lives for himself, and yearns for his own truth. Everything has been dictated by his circumstances. The struggle for autonomy has been a present theme in Ian’s character and TJ is in the flesh (symbolic), an inner reflection of his struggle to realizing his individuality. To live for himself and his wants. TJ in a sense is the “consciousness,” the objective or reality, better said the environment which shaped Ian. He is representative of the reality which Ian lacks control within. TJ quite literally looms over Ian like something inevitable, shaping Ian’s life, and he is Ian’s circumstances.
While Jo is the “unconscious,” the desire; being in control. Jo has always been representative and of what Ian wants: a normal, mundane life. But Jo is also Ian realizing himself and his identity outside of his circumstances. Jo who yearns for Ian, and chases after him, is symbolic of Ian’s need of finding himself.
How do people read "His guilt is my insurance policy" and still root for tj? tf
It amazes me that stories like this get amazing art but wholesome stories get not so good art... (only talking about manhwa base on novels; if you noticed all the very triggering stories have nice fucking art)
Makes me laugh when I see others say matching toxicity is a reason tj and Ian should be together as if Ian himself hasn't stated he wants out of his toxic surroundings and trying to atone for a better life. Yall prove each day you do not pay attention to the story or Ian himself. Wish wetsand had better readers.
Ig this is how Ian unhealthy (sex) coping mechanism started, after killing David Kim he needed a way to put himself in control (regarding sex), so he's the one asking first and it didn't necessarily have to be with tj, he was willing to find someone else, as long as Ian had a sense of control and CHOOSING who, I think that's all that mattered for him in that moment. Also something to help him forget what he just did too. Oh Ian...
You can tell Ian is very relaxed with Jo but still uneasy regarding how he feels because everything at the moment is so new to him that he doesn't know if he deserves this treatment and if it's bad he enjoys it. Ian deserves so much peace after all his hardship and I hope later on he comes to understand himself and his own feelings more firmly.
Also anyone notice Jo got a boner after one kiss from Ian so he tried to hide it lol, they're so cute.
So tj tells Ian to take responsibility for his scar and boxing career and guilt trip Ian for it, when it's obviously not Ian fault. tj skip his boxing match purposely because of the deal he made to kill Jang, so it was an important day for tj but Ian thinks the important day was the boxing match. tj did not know Ian was there, so all in the long run, tj made Ian believe he skip his match and went to save Ian. so now tj holds this against Ian for years, making Ian believe he's the bad influence and tells him to be responsible for it. He's so trash and ppl complain Jo's the one manipulating Ian smh.
not new here, just new account
Tj: cause Ian lose his dream, made Ian believe he's the bad influence, had the power to get Ian into therapy but instead sent him to jail and put him in debt so be can tie Ian down with money.
Half of Yall: I can never like Ian, tj deserves better, Ian the problem.
Ian hid himself for years and push his feelings down. Ian wanted a label on his and tj relationship and tj refused. When he could've had a secret official relationship with Ian and/or after he got power in the gang but no. He let Ian take the insults instead. I keep seeing others say tj and Ian have an understanding relationship but THEY DO NOT. Both of them never saw eye to eye and TJ has not once understood Ian because if he did then they wouldn't be in a relationship like this for 19 years
Me looking at the comments saying how strong and deep their relationship is, but also me reading the new korean chapter. *inserts Ryan Gosling holding back his laughter gif* wait in due time.
So tj literally reveals Ian isn't the bad influence but let's Ian think he is because he likes the trouble look Ian gives him?? So basically tj puts himself and Ian into this mess (not as purposely) but gulits Ian (even years) after it, saying it's for him (Ian). This isn't real deep love, just obsession and infatuation.
Edit: and despite everything he says, feeling guilty of it, it just doesn't stand because he continues to do the things in present day.
Edit 2: Just noticed the flashback here in 56 is also in chapter 8. After Ian mother passes away. Idk kind werid to imply you finally have Ian to yourself "fully in my arms" after his mother pass, even after tj says it's the two of them now, Ian look at him weirdly (ch8) and in the audio drama tj actually say that part happily (his voice actor also confirms it). Tj maybe say he feels slight guilt but the present time and how he used certains things to his advantage with Ian says otherwise
I have a question. On tiktok I see a lot of people say the FL ex cheated on her, I read 4 chapters on webtoon and so far it just look like it's was over gratitude and didn't want disappoint her. 15 chapters isn't alot so I'm afraid start it and want more. If anyone read up to 15, did the ex boyfriend cheat and a jerk?
Look I'm mad at Eunhyuk for ghosting our princess but DAMN the way I giggled and look away as if he was staring at me hehehehehe
i love how his character is like peeling an onion. i feel like—everyone does— that this personality of his is just the surface and that one chapter were he visited his parents says a lot too.
ian relationship with tj is more like a heaven in hell they've got each other since then, witnessed each other's downfall, each other's cries, experience each other's hell. and despite that they are still unable to let go of the other.
for ian and jo is on comfort side (at least for now) ian was able to experienced some of his firsts. soooo fulfilling to see that. and he seems to be very patient with ian too hope i can see more of ian's firsts with him.
this love triangle is really something bcs I don't care who will ian would end up with ><
I remember telling someone that Ian most likely realized his sexually orientation due to trauma (which is sad and unkind to him) and many got upset with me but looking at this and the raws it 100% possible that's the case that his assault someway influenced his sexuality and it makes me so upset he couldn't realize in a much kinder way.
I feel like many just overlook Ian whole character and thought process on why he does certain things and they just on him with no understanding. I can't wait for the day when we will finally see Ian true thoughts and see his emotional outburst.
Incase yall been wonder it's been 9 since sooae hasn't seen the boys (8yrs since graduation). There was mistake in the manuscript. It's still long as fuck, which is annoying tbh. It feels off for being that long. Be foreal no contact feel ooc for Eunhyuk like he really ghost our girl like that? Fuck off I'm mad.