Knowing that the author likes to do a lot of misdirects, I ain't gonna say anything bad. Because honestly Jooin inner thoughts make sense, idk why yall hate him for that. Jooin is now happy where he's at but can't help feel like if thing could've been done better for both guys his monologue is kinda vague in some parts.

Day by day this story proves that majority of yall can't comprehend stories like these. Stories that show the realistic side in choosing yourself and not rushing into a relationship. This isn't a bad story yall just don't understand it. Jooin is doing something right for both of them. Letting go of the past to live in the present. We don't know what will happen afterwards but it's not a loophole.
*repost because I accidentally deleted after replying to someone

Yall got quit your yapping, calling the ring cringe with it quote, as if it's not the fucking title name. And saying the reincarnation ruin the story as if it wasnt there right in the beginning. Just say you're mad it didn't go your way. Because let's be real, yall would've ate this shit up if it was yahwi or a non love triangle.

Idk why people still find Cain being an animal in his past a problem when we have many good series that have the troupe. The reincarnation is literally the base of the story now that things are coming together. Now about Jooin I'm glad he's written this way, we don't have many characters like him and the author said she purposely made him like this to be realistic (though she made him too much realistic) and that why many dislike him because he's that part of us we don't like, indecisive, doesn't kniw what to do or feel; confused. Jooin is human just like us and the author did a well job in making him that way.

Was kind of bored so I check the raws 84-85, and Seongjun is so fucking disgusting. The way he believes he deserves answers from Baram is red flag behavior. Yet people say Seungyeon isn't the best choice smh.
To me SJ and Baram never had chemistry because all I saw was Baram be so uncomfortable with him and SJ always making her feel bad about herself. I'm so glad Baram decided to go with someone as caring as Seungyeon. He was never rude to her or reminded her of bad times. He was her friend and now her lover. As some say your lover should also be your best friend. That's why we saw their friendship first.

I see others saying Jooin and Yahwi will met up again after a timeskip and I agree but I think it would be just a hello and Jooin is still firm on his choice. He still will not accept Yahwi. His hurting was too much. It's possible after that, maybe he'll finally met Cain again then finally do the closure they so needed to do before, that or it will lead to something else.

I'm going to repeat this every few times because I keep seeing ppl say the same thing when it was already shown why Jooin is sad and upset (even with himself). Most of yall forget Jooin was close to asking Cain to stay but before he could Cain said he had unfinished business. Do you all really think Jooin was gonna continue to tell him to stay after being told that?? His mother help realize something but it was to late. Stuff like this happens. Let Jooin be fucking miserable so he can realize he mess up, it's close to showing us his chasing arc.

It's like most of yall forget Jooin was close to asking Cain to stay but before he could Cain said he had unfinished business. Do you all really think Jooin was gonna continue to tell him to stay after being told that?? His mother help realize something but it was to late. Stuff like this happens. Let Jooin be fucking sad so he can relaize he mess up, it's close to showing us his chasing arc.
God damn, every chapter got a new hot character showing up, like chill there's only so much I can handle