Plumy January 20, 2025 11:58 pm

Some of yall are hypocrites. I remember when Ian said he would kill for tj so many went happy crazy over it because Ian cared so much abt tj but when Ian actually killed for Jo suddenly it's an oppsite reaction then blame Jo for not being good enough to stop Ian.

Anyway, the finale of S2 shows how deeply rooted Ian trauma still is. The long term aftereffects never really disappear. Jo finally put in moral complexity which he risk his own idea for the safety of Ian, which no one has really done for Ian own sake.

    LaNansha January 21, 2025 12:06 am

    Actually it’s a mix match. Everyone is a hypocrite. Like the people who were saying TJ is some kind of villain, who are now cheering when Ian and Jo let someone die. It’s not one side that’s acting different. All sides are. Personally, I’m enjoying this turn of events. I hope everyone can now stfu about how this or that person is wrong for this or that person. Those three suit each other regardless of who ends up with whom.

    Coco goddess January 21, 2025 1:39 am

    He should stomped him some more coming after Jo like that ! I don’t fck with TJ so I agree with everything you said!

Plumy December 24, 2024 6:14 pm

This story ain't about tj. Get that through your thick ass skulls. "I came only for tj" then get piss when he doesn't show, it ain't about him. I find it ridiculous funny seeing others say tj needs find someine who love and treats him better but yall do realize Ian the way he is, is because of tj coward ass, his manipulation, and guilt tripping.

"But tj admitted it already, its development"
He been admitting it since the beginning of S1, he always knew and admitted its wrong but continue to do it, him leaving is not development when he knew that leaving put ian in danger (he has his ppl keeping an eye on Ian since he left) and needs to actually apologize and make up for those actions rather than thinking him being gone is something good when him to trying get the big boss would still directly involve Ian.

Then all this talking about tj needs a new love interest when that bastard will still choose the gang over the new love interest like he does with Ian. Asking for his own story when you already have it and it shows him being the absolute trash that he is. If you want a red flag so bad go red those red flag ml stories that aren't a love triangle.because it's shown Ian wants and needs a better life always from the gang yall and tj keep forcing him.

    mathewily December 24, 2024 11:20 pm


    aemond’s husband December 24, 2024 11:41 pm


    eyla December 24, 2024 11:49 pm

    Cry yourself out, baby tj is going to show up and smoothen up these chapters as it actually should be. This is a fucking drama/thriller/triangle genre. And this cant happen with just ian and basic ass jo

    mathewily December 25, 2024 12:35 am
    Cry yourself out, baby tj is going to show up and smoothen up these chapters as it actually should be. This is a fucking drama/thriller/triangle genre. And this cant happen with just ian and basic ass jo eyla

    ARE YOU SERIOUS.did we READ RHE SME MANHWA?? did you just skip the chapters where it shows how ian himself wanted to escape from the gang lifestyle,you just see tj as this hero whos gonna swoop and save the day just because jo is "basic" ,did you read with your eyes closed when its so obvious how toxic his relationship with ian is??? you call a healthy relationship "basic" just shows how addicted you are to negative media,i dont even underdstand the "tj is gna come and smooth everything out" WHEN THATS LITERALLY WHAT JO IS DOING.god i hate readers like you

    aemond’s husband December 25, 2024 12:44 am
    ARE YOU SERIOUS.did we READ RHE SME MANHWA?? did you just skip the chapters where it shows how ian himself wanted to escape from the gang lifestyle,you just see tj as this hero whos gonna swoop and save the day... mathewily

    fr fr there are toxic x toxic trope out there like hannibal and will for example, but in wet sand it doesn’t work like that dawg that “basic” life they always complain about is what ian want the most

    bberylll December 25, 2024 11:11 am
    Cry yourself out, baby tj is going to show up and smoothen up these chapters as it actually should be. This is a fucking drama/thriller/triangle genre. And this cant happen with just ian and basic ass jo eyla

    basic you said?? oh honey you're not even caught up with the s2 ending yet, you dont know what's coming

    eyla December 25, 2024 2:56 pm
    basic you said?? oh honey you're not even caught up with the s2 ending yet, you dont know what's coming bberylll

    Ooh what now will he stand against tj for ian

    Coco goddess December 26, 2024 1:39 am
    Ooh what now will he stand against tj for ian eyla

    Sure TF is and who is going to check him… TJ you think Jo is really afraid of some fcking TJ lmao. I can tell Jo isn’t afraid of TJ he what I think he is trying not to do is enter that lifestyle because if you look at Jo’s eyes in certain chapters he has that dog in him. I don’t think Jo is afraid to shoot and kill someone in the name protecting them. You sound like a lame please go back to read PG mangas and stop playing with adults time !

Plumy November 7, 2024 10:11 pm

Ngl it makes me so damn happy seeing for the first time Ian being very clingy and sharing skinship. I never knew he'll be so cute when he's comfortable. Also the realization Ian had when he remembered how he thought Jo was just someone who would leave anyway was a big step in him talking notice that Jobis much more to him than before. It's a develop for him, Jo and for readers.

Plumy September 23, 2024 9:13 pm

How do people read "His guilt is my insurance policy" and still root for tj? tf

    Norn September 24, 2024 5:10 am

    Because "he's sooo hot so it's okay that he's a toxic POS"

    Plumy September 24, 2024 11:05 pm
    Because "he's sooo hot so it's okay that he's a toxic POS" Norn

    And he's not even hot lol he looks like he's tripled in age

    bvalgarisvengali September 29, 2024 2:35 am

    I think its less about rooting for him and more empathizing with him. Its the desperation of wanting to keep someone you love close no matter how selfish it is. The lengths he would take to keep ian around and safe. ^__^ i think people prefer tj because his route is/was emotionally charged. Im pretty sure joseph is endgame though so theres nothing to worry about LOL

    ohlook October 2, 2024 11:11 pm
    I think its less about rooting for him and more empathizing with him. Its the desperation of wanting to keep someone you love close no matter how selfish it is. The lengths he would take to keep ian around and ... bvalgarisvengali

    "safe" is CRAZY

    bvalgarisvengali October 2, 2024 11:33 pm
    "safe" is CRAZY ohlook

    is he not doing that ? LOL idk i feel like even if his methods are extreme (sending him to prison, forbidding him from going to gang hotspots, etc) he still keeps him relatively safe..?. lmk your thoughts though i might be wrong lol

    ChickenButt October 3, 2024 8:49 pm
    is he not doing that ? LOL idk i feel like even if his methods are extreme (sending him to prison, forbidding him from going to gang hotspots, etc) he still keeps him relatively safe..?. lmk your thoughts thoug... bvalgarisvengali

    He’s not thinking that him putting himself in the gang world, he’s also dragging Ian with him so no, not safe. Especially when he knows Ian feels guilty and tries to be by his side 100%.

    And let’s not forget that TJ also had sex with Ian in the hotel room where Ian has trauma with due to Ian killing a subordinate there. He doesn’t seem to gaf ngl.

    So yeah idk about it being safe.

    Plumy October 7, 2024 5:03 am
    He’s not thinking that him putting himself in the gang world, he’s also dragging Ian with him so no, not safe. Especially when he knows Ian feels guilty and tries to be by his side 100%.And let’s not forg... ChickenButt

    Fun fact ppl miss. Yes its the same hotel (the author confirm in a space talk in 2022) and its exactly across the room Ian use to live in where he killed his subordinate. Tj is disgusting and Ian let's him get away with too much due to his guilt. Tj calling Ian for a booty call knowing very well it's across the room where Ian kill someone. A regret Ian has that traumatized him. The room where for the first time Ian had a suicide thought, pointing the gun at himself. That same room which tj decided to stay across from. Disgusting.

    bvalgarisvengali October 7, 2024 5:11 am
    Fun fact ppl miss. Yes its the same hotel (the author confirm in a space talk in 2022) and its exactly across the room Ian use to live in where he killed his subordinate. Tj is disgusting and Ian let's him get ... Plumy

    wooaahhhh I did not know that. Could it be that he chose that specific room to guilt trip Ian everytime he called him ?

    Plumy October 7, 2024 5:23 am
    wooaahhhh I did not know that. Could it be that he chose that specific room to guilt trip Ian everytime he called him ? bvalgarisvengali

    Most likely. And there's a theory that it's possible tj is the one when sent the subordinate. Because during the scene Ian questions why would the 2nd one guy. Knowing that Ian himself is strong and when tj walks in he has little to no reaction regarding what happen but is shock to hear there's a witness. Again this one is just a theory but it makes sense especially by how he's stay in the exactly hotel and floor the incident happen.

    Plumy October 7, 2024 5:24 am
    Most likely. And there's a theory that it's possible tj is the one when sent the subordinate. Because during the scene Ian questions why would the 2nd one guy. Knowing that Ian himself is strong and when tj wal... Plumy

    My bad, horrible wording. Let me rephrase. Ian questions why the ones that put a hit on him didn't send a group of 3. Since one guy is weak, especially for a pro like him.

    ChickenButt October 7, 2024 6:03 am
    Most likely. And there's a theory that it's possible tj is the one when sent the subordinate. Because during the scene Ian questions why would the 2nd one guy. Knowing that Ian himself is strong and when tj wal... Plumy

    Trash dude.

Plumy September 11, 2024 9:21 pm

It amazes me that stories like this get amazing art but wholesome stories get not so good art... (only talking about manhwa base on novels; if you noticed all the very triggering stories have nice fucking art)

Plumy September 11, 2024 4:42 pm

Makes me laugh when I see others say matching toxicity is a reason tj and Ian should be together as if Ian himself hasn't stated he wants out of his toxic surroundings and trying to atone for a better life. Yall prove each day you do not pay attention to the story or Ian himself. Wish wetsand had better readers.

    kei's jiji September 11, 2024 4:59 pm

    Exactlyyy. Which is why i'm side eyeing jo for that kinda ominous chapter with the gun. I hope he does not become toxic cuz that's the very thing ian wants out of. Ian deserves to live a peaceful life for once

    Plumy September 11, 2024 5:27 pm
    Exactlyyy. Which is why i'm side eyeing jo for that kinda ominous chapter with the gun. I hope he does not become toxic cuz that's the very thing ian wants out of. Ian deserves to live a peaceful life for once kei's jiji

    Jo will most likely enter his dark side but I don't think he'll become as controlling toxic like tj. He might be obsessive/possessive but I don't how it be shown, hopefully it isn't as bad. I'm high key excited what he'll do with the gun. He probably won't use it for self proposes but rather for someone protection, the chapter that show the gun show that Jo didn't want kill the rabbit but for his father he did. I feel like there's a reason why the gun show up in that chapter.

    WOW September 11, 2024 6:08 pm

    Yes! Pretty ironic since Wetsand is leaning towards being a series about change and moving on. People saying they match each others toxicity and that Ian should settle with the unhealthy circumstances which he actually so dearly wishes to get out of is just insane and a case of blind leading the blind

    Beau September 11, 2024 6:44 pm

    I'm just flabbergasted that some pple really think that the lack of stability in one's life (e.g. in Ian's life in this story) is actually a positive thing.

    Ipsins September 11, 2024 6:55 pm
    I'm just flabbergasted that some pple really think that the lack of stability in one's life (e.g. in Ian's life in this story) is actually a positive thing. Beau

    That's because they don't know the difference between routine and stability....

Plumy September 10, 2024 6:27 pm

Ig this is how Ian unhealthy (sex) coping mechanism started, after killing David Kim he needed a way to put himself in control (regarding sex), so he's the one asking first and it didn't necessarily have to be with tj, he was willing to find someone else, as long as Ian had a sense of control and CHOOSING who, I think that's all that mattered for him in that moment. Also something to help him forget what he just did too. Oh Ian...

    LaNansha September 10, 2024 11:46 pm

    It had to be TJ because that’s the one person he trusts completely, that’s why had TJ turned him down while he feels so vulnerable (by asking if he thinks he’s dirty), it would’ve broken his spirit and genuinely led him to believe he was dirty.

    Plumy September 11, 2024 12:03 am
    It had to be TJ because that’s the one person he trusts completely, that’s why had TJ turned him down while he feels so vulnerable (by asking if he thinks he’s dirty), it would’ve broken his spirit and ... LaNansha

    I know Ian trusts him hence tj being his first choice, it still doesn't change what I stated so I don't see the point of your comment.

    LaNansha September 11, 2024 2:08 am
    I know Ian trusts him hence tj being his first choice, it still doesn't change what I stated so I don't see the point of your comment. Plumy

    I negated the statements that suggests it didn’t have to be TJ. That was the point.

Plumy September 1, 2024 2:34 am

You can tell Ian is very relaxed with Jo but still uneasy regarding how he feels because everything at the moment is so new to him that he doesn't know if he deserves this treatment and if it's bad he enjoys it. Ian deserves so much peace after all his hardship and I hope later on he comes to understand himself and his own feelings more firmly.

Also anyone notice Jo got a boner after one kiss from Ian so he tried to hide it lol, they're so cute.

Plumy August 25, 2024 5:51 am

So tj tells Ian to take responsibility for his scar and boxing career and guilt trip Ian for it, when it's obviously not Ian fault. tj skip his boxing match purposely because of the deal he made to kill Jang, so it was an important day for tj but Ian thinks the important day was the boxing match. tj did not know Ian was there, so all in the long run, tj made Ian believe he skip his match and went to save Ian. so now tj holds this against Ian for years, making Ian believe he's the bad influence and tells him to be responsible for it. He's so trash and ppl complain Jo's the one manipulating Ian smh.

Plumy August 15, 2024 4:33 pm

Tj: cause Ian lose his dream, made Ian believe he's the bad influence, had the power to get Ian into therapy but instead sent him to jail and put him in debt so be can tie Ian down with money.

Half of Yall: I can never like Ian, tj deserves better, Ian the problem.

Ian hid himself for years and push his feelings down. Ian wanted a label on his and tj relationship and tj refused. When he could've had a secret official relationship with Ian and/or after he got power in the gang but no. He let Ian take the insults instead. I keep seeing others say tj and Ian have an understanding relationship but THEY DO NOT. Both of them never saw eye to eye and TJ has not once understood Ian because if he did then they wouldn't be in a relationship like this for 19 years

    ChickenButt August 15, 2024 4:44 pm

    And the way many act as if Ian deserves to be feeling guilty, no, he does not! TJ chose to do that himself, it wasn’t as if Ian wanted him to, hell he doesn’t even want that.

    Plumy August 15, 2024 9:39 pm
    And the way many act as if Ian deserves to be feeling guilty, no, he does not! TJ chose to do that himself, it wasn’t as if Ian wanted him to, hell he doesn’t even want that. ChickenButt

    Exactly. Even saying they want see Ian get karma and/or suffer how tj did for him.. like excuse me?? Last I check all this did not happen because of Ian. They expect Ian to obligate to tj. Ridiculous.

    ChickenButt August 17, 2024 4:20 pm
    Exactly. Even saying they want see Ian get karma and/or suffer how tj did for him.. like excuse me?? Last I check all this did not happen because of Ian. They expect Ian to obligate to tj. Ridiculous. Plumy

    Oh yeah and the way many TJ stans claim they don’t romanticize this is funny cause what I’ve been seeing, they’re all about romanticizing what TJ does to Ian, “oh couple goals”, “ they’re lovers”, “this is love,”, etc I’ve seen worse than what I said.

    Also the house TJ built is literally a cage. He decided all of that by himself, Ian has no involvement in it. Iirc, TJ said something about Ian living in the house he built and coming back to the house to see Ian every day.

    Unless it was mutually agreed upon, this was all decided by TJ. Its not romantic, it is weird.

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