I think there are a few things to consider? I think, as a fictional trope, rape sometimes allows the reader to feel in-control of a situation that, normally, IRL, would be horrifying and out of their control. If that makes sense. And I think that's why some rape fantasy in fiction tends toward that. That being said, though, I think there should b......
I know I love/like someone when I either A. start having sexual fantasies about them, or B. I literally see their face in everything I think about the future or past
That one time we had to exorcise the house cuz one of my housemate got possessed by some demon. I was tired from doing my report and when to return home just to my suprise theres salt all over the house and my ppossessed housemate going bat shit crazy, i was dead tired and just kinda ignore them and when to sleep upstair, but just to be safe i lock......
People fine with rape in yaoi = hypocrites?