Recently... well I don't know. I am feeling lonely, sad and confused. To start with I would like to have a boyfriend yet the idea of a relationship scares me and I don't know how. How can an idea of something that I most want, a person to love, scare me yet it is the thing I most want? Here and there I just stop and without any reason start crying.
The idea seems very nice but when I listen to most people I know or look around most people seem to be very evil and rude in a cruel way but I can't even think of anyone directly as if I only had bad glasses on.
I am only 17 and I know I have time for such things, yet even though I know it I don't feel like it
It's because you think you're ready but you're really not. You think that it's the thing you want the most bc it's either you often read how happy it is to be in a relationship or you're surrounded by people who are in a relationship. Or it could be somehow that maybe you think that being in a relationship would bring the best in you that's why you want it.
Try not to stress over it too much. When the right time and the right person comes you'll definitely know it. If you feel nervous and such, don't push yourself. Maybe the time you have been waiting for for so long has came, but the person who you were meant to be with needs a new alarm clock cause they overslept and missed the fateful meeting.
But don't worry and don't jump on every handsome guy you see on the street.
Last but not least if you look around and only see the cruel people you need to look more closely. You will never see the shining sun if you only look at the brick wall in front of you :)
I have never had such problem before which makes it a lot more confusing. The thing is that I would like to be in a relationship but I don't really want one which makes me confused. I know I am not ready yet and don't worry I would not jump on any random guy hih.. most are not even gay so that ...
I also know that I am not ready yet, and the relationship doesn't have to be romantic. I also cant find people with similar interests.
I am just feeling lonely and disconnected from people in general. I was in a friend group with few toxic people a few months back and I guess I am still recovering from it.
The fact is that I am stressed out about what I should do after I finish this school, what exactly I want to study at University. Meanwhile, I am trying to find a better part-time job (which is actually the one thing that does not stress me at all) I am also looking for work placements to get a better idea of what I want to do and even this little chat helped me brainstorm some ideas. Huh hope I will find something with psychology... it is ever so tricky =) but the other work placement should be simple to find (as teaching assistant at school)
HiH could be with all that manga but yet I am only reading it for about 4 days ant this last quite a long and no one is in a relationship. I don't even want to be in it, yet, it is just that my mind is probably taking the sweet idea to take me off my stress and then a minute later scares me out when I remember how many problems such relationship would have at this age and other factors.
But thank you ^^
As problematic relationships tend to be, I'd say don't be afraid and go for it if you have any opportunity. Doesn't matter you'll fuck up, at 17 it probably won't last anyway (first loves tend to be like that) so unless you get pregnant (DON'T)... you got nothing to lose. It's a good test drive that'll help you understand what's truly important when you're more serious.
Maybe you'll even find your special one if you're lucky.
I feel like this website should have a site with useful websites for those who would like to learn Japanese or Korean or for those who would yet want to start to do so. Perhaps it would help someone who could become a translator one day.
I feel like, for some strange reason...
As if many people here either are, were or will be trying to learn one of these languages
^^ hihi
This is so interesting! I’d be really great... I’m actually studing japanese atm and will take up korean pretty soon (as in probably july.. I have an important exam in june so no can do until then) and once I reach a better level of fluency, I really think I might look into being a translator, so sites of that sort would be helpful to me at least
That seems cool, I really want to learn Japanese ^^
I will have a go on memrise.com with Japanese. I do seem very interesting to me since it is quite different from Latin-based languages I know.
HuH. Most of the people on this website I've seen seem so interesting and there is so many T.T shame I cant meet anyone similar in person, even though I live in the largest town in England which is basically a city by now.
I'd recommend this site if you know very basic japanese already (hiragana, katakana, basic sentence structure):
I've been taking japanese through school for a while, but this was recommended to us way back when, and it covers an extensive amount of useful grammar
Let the hunt begin!