This manga is so cute, so I was looking to buy it on CDJapan (sadly sold out), but then saw that there is a volume 2 as well, released this year in August! Something to look forward to :)
From Drap's page:
As many others have already commented, this felt like a really special manga in the first two chapters, only to be ruined unnecessarily in chapter 3. Such a shame. Such a waste.
What surprises me, though, is the mangaka thanking her readers at the end for their letters, feedback, etc. So, readers wrote to her, essentially thanking her for a rape story? Perhaps the problem in the BL publishing world is that all of us who don't like rape aren't expressing that enough to the mangakas themselves, so those who for some reason do like rape thrown in for no good reason get over-represented in the feedback.
I feel frustrated over this manga, it could have been so amazing...
First off that a bold assumption to make about the readers thanking the author for the rape story. They could have been talking about different chapters not necessarily chapter 3 or they could have just been sending the author letters about different stories they made. Or simply thanking the author for drawing and making manga they like. Not everything is about the rape in the story.