2021-06-19 23:14 marked
2021-06-06 09:25 marked
2021-06-02 02:10 marked
2021-05-30 03:24 marked
2021-05-22 17:17 marked
2021-05-21 17:44 marked
2021-05-20 18:48 marked

I know he did not pay a hand on her, of he did, I'm going to...
(Too gruesome, so read at your own discretion) (Guys may not like reading this)
I'll start off with what he treasures most, his dick, I'll fucking torture it slowly and I'll fucking slice it up like sashimi and put it in a freezer.
I'll have him get fucked by a while bunch of abusive guys and I'll make sure some of his teeth fall out, for a few months. Then I'll fucking start burning his body like I was making rotisserie chicken, but I won't kill him that way-
I'll lock him in a dark dilapidated room
I'll make sure to keep him alive, the only thing he'll get to eat is cum or shit(maybe both)
I'll keep him in constant gruelling pain for a exactly two months and I'll break every bone him body a couple of times, letting him heal for a short while, I won't let him die a quick death.
At the end of those 2 months, I'll behead him and right before he does I'll put his sick dick in his mouth.
Or have him eat his ick dick first then behead him.
Fun fact: You are still alive after you are beheaded. Mostly depends on how much air you have left in your head :)
Look it up, my fav history discovery is about the doctor that wanted to see what happens to a person when they're beheaded. He saw how the guy focused his eyes on him, and how the guy was still able to blink.
2021-04-04 03:32 marked
2021-03-12 04:19 marked
2021-03-09 21:02 marked
2021-03-08 15:46 marked
why is gojo satoru so blindingly handsome