Am i the only one who find fei long extremely and hot ?*-*
I also ship him with akihito so much XD
Btw I've question does fie long have feelings for akihito or not ?

Many finds him hot. His emotions for Akihito are complicated. I think he sees him as a potential friend? I guess? But because Fei loves Asami and also what Fei did to Aki, their relationship is rather weird.

Well, he's not in love with Akihito, but I think he finds him plenty sexually attractive. He probably wouldn't say no to another round of sex, haha. But beyond that, I think he just wants to be friends. It's been mentioned he was the one to reach out to Akihito via email first,so...He's just a lonely soul looking for meaningful connections.

I think he does, just not as strong as his feelings towards Asami.

Good thing it's not only me XD I also do think that the one he truly loves is asami however i do feel that he does have feelings for aki not as deep as his feelings for asami of course. I don't think he see him as only friend i mean it's probably not but i do think he's precious to him .i agree it is weird.

I like how they're giving more attention on perdel and how's kinda like a father to her ( well he's her godfather) and how he like to tease her as much as he like to tease her father and i think he genuinely care for her and her father and asisi although it might not be as much as his care for his wife but he do in slightly different way and i do like the fact that even tho he fool around he's still serious and dangerous at the times that you can't take him for granted i also think that both her and her father like him in them way i mean just like her father they both care for him they just find him annoying and he's but that's what they like about him because if he were to act with his serious character all the time it would hard for them to get close to him
Ps: i think that her father is also short :3

Everyone here is shipping those two so hard while I'm sitting here like " nooo your poor boyfriend what about him !" Because let's face that that guy is effing sweetheart and if she dump him I might just start disliking her he honestly deserve someone better then her like honestly it took you less then week to get over a guy like that? ! Wtf seriously girl

I agree poor him T_T

I kinda agree and disagree at the same time with you in this point. He didn't do anything or tried harder but at the same time that's all he could do I mean she literally didn't give him any chance to do that and she keeps her life so privite that for him it takes a lot to knowledge about it , while she was sticking up to junghoon and giving him more attention then her boyfriend
Umm did she killed her brother?! Isn't that too cruel ...idk i feel like she's a bit too cruel tbh if she gone that far
well it’s a kill or be killed scenario sooooo
Not necessarily, he said he wanted to banich her not kill her and to see that her mother took sides with her allowing her son to die like that is too much of cruel i don't like this much of cruelness in neither female leaders or male leaders
Well banishment could kinda mean death for a young girl with no money and whatnot :X
I didn't say that's the right thing to do , obviously that's also unacceptable despite him being young when he said thag and somewhat i think he was trying to get a reaction from her ( since she was so cold and didn't give him any attention) she was living by herself all those years i don't think banishment would be much of difference. I think she could just banish him or maybe be a less a bit merciful since they're siblings but to kill him it's a lot tbh . But again if he stayed alive he might have been a threat to her so yeah , i just you can say I'm a bit old fashioned and like it as the old ways when heroine and hero were kind and somewhat forgiving not cruel killers ._.
She is barely even close to him. She’s been in a tower for 18 years and he’s pretty much like a stranger to her. There’s a difference between irl family bonds. This is about royalty in a comic, pretty competitive to take the throne and lots of comics with royal families have a lot of bad blood between siblings. It’s not uncommon for siblings to kill each other over the throne.
I know that , I'm just saying she could banish him or something. I know they're not close but still blood isn't water anyway as i said before I'm just a bit old fashioned and like it how it was the old ways when heroine and hero had more sympathy and a less cruel , eh ? * shrug * it was just my opinion everyone has it owns you don't have to agree with mine and i respect all of your opinions , i still think she's kinda badass it's not like i hate her or something lol
Yeah I understand what how you feel, even I feel bad for the brother. I can’t really remember the chapter well, but I do remember him being tied up. I don’t really think he would’ve been tied up for the things he said in the past, he might’ve been tied up/punished for something he did to her. We didn’t really get the full info of what happened.
Yes exactly, if he tried to harm her somehow i think he deserves to be punished. I'm glad you do i thought I'm the only one XD i just hope she becomes less cruel or at least open up more with the male character around , i think she does justice to her people since everyone loves her so I'm looking forward to know more about her
I’m sure she’ll open up more and be nicer towards the male lead
I really hope so