maven !! like topic of No Reason

this is so goofy it looks like something from mrm bro

maven !! created a topic of The Man At Night

damn these brothers have terrible luck bro I feel so bad

maven !! created a topic of Jinx

damn it dan I was on your side for two minutes bro! why did he have the take advantage of the fact that he knew that jaekyung would be more affectionate when he’s drunk even if he wants affection that’s not a good way to find it
(IN MY OPINION DONT GET MAD!!) Dan has to listen soon and realize that the only time jaekyung is nice and touchy and all the corny shit is when he’s drunk!! big red flag lwk. plus jaekyung needs to stop being such a fucking asshole and realize that he doesn’t own the world and everyone in it

maven !! created a topic of No Reason

this is so goofy it looks like something from mrm bro

maven !! created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon

bro wants a pity party soo bad like no one gives a fuck that ur bleeding bffr

maven !! created a topic of Jinx

when will Dan come to his senses!! jk doesn't want him and he's just using him for luck/sex for his boxing matches.. jaekyung is a total asshole meanwhile Dan is spending time and money for some uglyass gift

maven !! created a topic of Our Sunny Days

this is so sweet im gonna cry..

maven !! followed a goer

╰( ・ ᗜ ・ )➝this user is very gæ
—[updating my albums and list again!♡]
any pronouns
queer and genderfluid 
reading isn't my hobby, it's my lifestyle 
i read whatever looks interesting ^^
✦   .  .   ˚ .      . ✦     ˚     . ★⋆.
   .     ˚     *     ✦   .  .   ✦ ˚      ˚ .˚      .  .   ˚ .  ✦          

01 01,2024
maven !! created a topic of Smyrna & Capri

hear me out ik that sir calion is giving off villain vibes but why was he looking so scrumdiddlyumptious this chapter??

maven !! created a topic of Smyrna & Capri

hear me out ik that sir calion is giving off villain vibes but he was he looking so scrumdiddlyumptious?

I just knoww the person recording is gonna post it and cause some drama

maven !! created a topic of No Reason

what the hell it’s back.. I can’t wait for all the trauma it’s gonna put on us

maven !! followed a goer

live laugh kdj
i love angst and bls out of the ordinary
i dream of having a big cat

23 12,2023
maven !! created a topic of Lucky Paradise

THE WAY I BURSTED OUT IN LAUGHTER OMGOSH. I can’t wait for next Thursday

maven !! answered question about unpopular opinion
when the seme is toxic asf, and all the readers know that but justify his actions or deny it like idiots (it's VERY clear I'm talking about Jinx (wrestling guy) )!!
maven !! answered question about read all the yaoi in the world
when the uke or whatever the fuck is it, is built like a fucking child.. ion something about it gets on my nerves
maven !! created a topic of Minmotion Syndrome