Scaranara created a topic of Waterside Night


Scaranara created a topic of Crucial Point

I dont like the way ML is moving like I feel like IM crazy LIKE I KNOW HES BEING WEIRD BUT HE'S SCOLDING MC AS IF MC IS ENTIRELY IM THE WRONG?? (Don't get me wrong MC did some goofy reckless stuff) but ML is acting as if he's not doing exactly what he said they shouldn't do and then saying "Don't question what I do." ???????? Nah I'd crash out too, make it make sense

Scaranara created a topic of One room TA

Yall hold my earrings I'm about to beat these two hoes

Scaranara created a topic of Waterside Night

Euihyun wanna make sure he gets that baby, he's even keeping his legs up in the car, do what you gotta do fr

Scaranara created a topic of Waterside Night

Guys next chapter is the last chapter (Idk I'd there will be side stories) BUT YALL I CRIEED LITERALLY Euihyun said some meaningful stuff. Things like "You're wondering If my wound Is healing but it was hard because of you." Kinda saying that even though Taeju left with good will he still made it hard for him even tho he wanted it to have the opposite affect. And he was basically saying when be looked at himself through Taejus eyes he actually started to want to live and now he loves the sea (He asked Taeju to take him to the beach) he said "Since you said you liked my life, I started liking it too." Yall he says a lot of other things and it's just? Very touching. He was spitting mad bars, hope we get to see the baby


Scaranara created a topic of Waterside Night

Baby making attempt number 2 next chapter

Scaranara created a topic of Punch Drunk Love

Not them capturing the essence of catching the eyes of your s/o across the room and having a heart attack omg, even I blushed like stoooooop

Scaranara created a topic of Puppy Love

Side couple always taking Ws

Scaranara created a topic of Crucial Point

Boy if you don't get out that damn car? The hell is he doing rn

Scaranara created a topic of Waterside Night

Give him your whole life Taeju. You're HIS now and that is how you will repent. It will be a lovely hell for you like you won't even hate it bc you're literally in love with him bro just give up already damn

Scaranara created a topic of 4 Week Lovers

Oh my god he squirted in him, this is the best thing ever

Scaranara created a topic of One room TA

Me when I don't know I have a crush on my boyfriend

Scaranara created a topic of Waterside Night

It's so funny that taeju says that he never made a right choice because of his selfishness. When what he's doing now is exactly that he's making a choice.That is very selfish and not considering Euihyun's feelings At all like yeah, I get that You're guilty, but if Euihyun is fine with this, then you just have to live with that and then try to do better the next time, not do whatever this is. Like, I don't know it's giving "I'm actually doing this to not hurt you.Anymore, but in actuality, it's so I don't dig myself deeper in a hole of guilt, so it's not really for you in a way."

God I've seen what you've done for fictional men

Scaranara created a topic of Secretary to Stage

Gang Hyung I will set this world on fire how dare they

Scaranara created a topic of Waterside Night

Author was like "Hold on yall I got one more up my sleeve." LET US SEE THEM HAPPY PLEASE

Scaranara created a topic of Waterside Night

Yall next chapter they reconcile and give us fluff for less than a second and then Taeju is like "Let's just end this thing we have here." Bc the abortion broke his brain