Im too lazy so I will keep it short :
The story 10/10
The Ml 10/10
The MC S1 10/10 S2 5/10
He got sOooo annoying !! Like he litterly cheated duh
The end 8/10 bro that was def rushed wdym "yup guilty , that's it bye " Lol
The only bad thing abt this was mc in S2 everything else was gooooddddd , ~bye
Ig Im the weird one(since there are so many that dislike this) BUT this is def one manhwa I would like to reread a 1000th times it was soo good and different it was smh so mature and it made me so excited and I have read A LOT so I'm glad reading somthing like this again
This def a 10/10 for me hehe
Didn't ash said to stfu ?!?!?! And kyle bby do I need to understand why ash's past lover msaters to u so much ?! And authornim did u forgot what the purpose of side storys are