1. He had beef with the Blind Play author. The author didn’t want her work uploaded, so the first uploader dropped it. After Season 2 of the manhwa was released, JJC picked it up, which upset the author. She put a bounty on him, offering $1,000 to anyone who could provide JJC’s personal information so she could sue him. JJC got upset about this......
I HATE THEM I HATE THEM I HATE THEM I HAVE MET WAY TO MANY IN MY LIFE FOR IT TO BE HEALTY I FUCKING HAAATE THEM. It's funny bc most ppl don't say anything abt pedo shit. They just go along with it. (Ez: Ceil x Sebastian) and some how it's been "normallized" in a way. Speaking of Black Butler. Did anyone else know that it was supossed to be a Harco......
No fr. Like, can I just read something where the female characters aren't objectified every time they show up? And it's not just the way they're drawn, it's the way they're written as well. When I read an action manhwa/manga where the MCs are guys, the women are always made to be damsels in distress that need the strong male MC to come and rescue t......
I AGREE BRO. Almost every single time that I read a manga/manhwa and the mc is a guy the women are like overly fan serviced. At this point, just make a whole other manga for that purpose. It defeats the story and makes it so much more annoying to read. I hate how not just the drawings, but the personalities of the women are portrayed. They are alwa......