This story had so much potential , but the author said fuck that and created this whole other storyline unrelated to the actual story. I understand you want to make money off of manhwas and continue making more chapters but they were endless amount of routes you could've used, and you chose the most controversial one. I genuinely loved this and the whole reason I made my mangago account is so I couId be the first one to follow this and it really let me down. I'm dropping this and so should you.

I'm not gonna lie everyone's crying over the breakup in the comment section , but no one is genuinely reading the story. You should know that juheon is completely in the right and tbh doheon should be glad he didn't break his computer because I know I tf would. After all this time he doesn't apologise? Oh my fucking god grow the fuck up dude. he has 0 character development and is so fucking boring.i don't care how your personality is , saying one word (sorry) isn't gonna kill you, Doheon is unlikeable asf

Right.. so juheon insulting Dohu and dehumanizing the way Dohu process things is okay then? It doesn't take magic to see that Dohu clearly has trouble with reading emotions, he has a disorder and is even talked about in the story.. not to mention even juheon thought he was weird at first and not in a good way.Juheon has every right to be mad at him, but to insult him and use the one thing Dohu struggles with is not okay either. They are both flawed, but was is hypocritical is seeing how everyone thinks it's okay for Jueheon to insult him without seeing that he is flawed as well, especially with the way he slammed Dohu into the wall. No matter the argument, it is not okay to put ur hands on someone like that. Almost everyone is diminishing Dohus disorder for the sake of Juheon, which is easy to see and dohu himself even doesnt feel like he's human. It doesn't justify him not apologizing to juehon about what his purpose was when he approached juheon, but you have to acknowledge that Juheon is flawed as well and he needs some character development as well.

They both understand eachother that's the problem. Your clearly didn't read my paragraph because during the argument juheon was literally telling him he has issues. Clearly bro has anger issues or some kind of personality disorder and obviously with dohu it's going to clash. We already know they are like this so why tf is everyone only targeting juheon when dohu started the fucking problem. You lot loveeee acting like dohu is the victim

But also, for you to think its okay for Juheon to use violence bc u assume he has anger issues is odd? Like what. Ppl are upset at Juehon bc it clearly shows that Juheon never fully understood how different dohu was, how he has a disorder. Its funny bc in the beginning of the story, ppl were happy to see representation of someone on the spectrum, but the minute Dohu shows the actual representation, ppl get mad. He was wrong for not telling him earlier but when confronted, he confessed everything and his intentions bc thats how his brain functions. He didn't leave anything out and yes him not apologizing sucks but he was straightfoward as to why. He did lie or deny and said the truth. But juehon also dismissed dohus feelings to him and the explanation dohu gave about his feelings for juheon. Ppl are also upset bc Juheon saw how others treated him for not being able to read emotions or social cues, but then gets mad and fails to understand that this is how dohu was from the very beginning, its also harder for dohu to say sorry bc this is a first for him, him feeling something for Juheon is a first.

If he actually felt bad he wouldve deleted the files way before. Obviously he is going to react like that because as I said that's his personality and he has all the signs of a personality disorder. Your going off on your own tangent here without reading what I was saying. I'm talking about juheon and your making it about dohu and atp I feel like your being your emotions and projections into it so there's no use trying to have a friendly debate about the manhwa.

I did read what ur were saying. But u said they are both flawed and now u say one is right and one is wrong. If they are both flawed, then both are wrong. U also said in ur intial post that you dont give a fuck what his personality is, that he has zero development and if fucking boring. Im only stating what u were saying in ur post. U never mentioned he had a personality disorder in ur fist post, but with the way u worded it, ur diminishing it

Heres what u said, "Oh my fucking god grow the fuck up dude. he has 0 character development and is so fucking boring.i don't care how your personality is , saying one word (sorry) isn't gonna kill you, Doheon is unlikeable asf" u also put eomotion into it and u are downplaying how dohu is on the spectrum. You say he has one but yet diminish it, in the story it clearly states he has trouble reading expressions but also show expression himself, he feels like a robot. How i said ppl know he has a disorder and you have even acknowledged it, but yet ppl are upset that he actually represents it. Almost everyone is mad at the fact that he is showing his signs of spectrum by this situation when he has shown this very same behavior in other occurences he had in life. Everyone viewed him as some weirdo in the story and bullied him for it. Juheon knew this but still chose to throw it in his face, so in this occurence, both are wrong .

My guy dohu is wrong asf for the files and shit, but why are people expecting his neurodivergest ass to behave and think like a neurotypical is killing me, like they want representation until it's also the hard sides like , it's not that hard , dohu cannot process emotions like neurotypicals (honestly as someone who is on the spectrum and had to learn a lot and observe people to understand their moods and all I get him, yeah he was wrong and he knows it to , like he's genuinely trying to change)

I mean the files are just Dohu’s observation of him. To be used to create the male lead for his story. Like honestly, the observation isn’t that bad problem is that it triggered our seme’s mommy issues, as she is very controlling and has people keep tabs on him. He, to my understanding, thinks that is why Dohu approached him. To spy for his mom. He doesn’t know it’s for his writing or for fictional BL. And Dohu doesn’t know to explain. Because he doesn’t know Juheon misunderstood. And believes he is mad he was going to use him as inspiration and that’s why he is mad. Which is true. So why wouldnt Dohu think he is in the wrong? He doesn’t think he should justify himself because he doesn’t know there is a misunderstanding. Instead he is trying to respect his wishes but Juheon, this bitch arse, is telling him “leave me alone” while also getting mad that he did so. Juheon while maybe rightly justified to be upset that he was being observed, is not in the right in this fight. Instead of confronting him, or asking to have a discussion, he hurt Dohu verbally, got physical with him, and isn’t being clear enough for Dohu to know what to do. Personally no matter his original intention, when Dohu decided to not use him for inspiration, I absolve him of fault. Being interested in Juheon’s character enough to be inspired by it isn’t a bad thing. We can argue he should have told him but he doesn’t advertise his writing…because it’s Yaoi for one. Not a socially accepted sexual preference in Korea. And for two Dohu just isn’t social enough to make it known to people he makes money that way

I understand most yaoi readers don't understand the use of consent but juheon clearly didn't consent to being written about. He probably assumed he was going to publish it and ruin his reputation or other things. Like I said dohu isn't the only one with mental problems lol... I clearly said that multiple times. Yes he has autism which I wasn't aware about until I was told and I apologise for that but juheon also has mental problems and it will obviously clash. Dohu started it and juheon is gonna finish it. Sounds pretty reasonable to me

Exactly. Ppl are diminishing his spectrum and its frustrating to see, they understand but get mad that he shows accurate representation. I feel like ppl are also ignoring the part where Dohu said he has feelings for Juehon. This is something he struggled with and for him to tell Juheon shows just how much he really loves him and he he's trying to change the way he is. The way he worded hiding the document is what ppl are mostly mad abiot, but Dohu genuinely felt that this was the best way for Juehon not to get hurt by his initial actions to approaching him. Another thing ppl are forgetting is that he told him everything, he didn't hide anything once Juehon figured it out, like that should be taken into account, he admitted his wrongs and was upfront about it. Seeing the way Juheon diminished his feelings and how Dohu is on the spectrum irritates me bc if he really did love Dohu, he would have understood why dohu is having a hard time apologizing or how he doesn't even what to apologize for.

Well thank you for back handedly saying I don’t give shizz about consent. Just so you are aware: I’ve been sexually assaulted. I probably understand consent more than most people.
I could be inspired by a stranger I met on the train, and choose to make a story. No one would know some stranger I met on the train was my inspiration nor is there any kind of law stopping me from being inspired by someone to write a story with their inspiration. Unless he was going to name the seme after Juheon, describe his looks to be exactly like him, he is allowed to use him for inspiration. What Juheon is in the right about is that Dohu should have been honest with him. But again I am pretty sure Juheon doesn’t understand that he was inspiration for a story. He thinks Dohu was spying for his mom. If I’m correct that would mean he is mad at him for something Dohu didn’t do. If he found out the observation was for a story he might have no problem with it. Or he might only be upset that the initial reason Dohu approached him was not because he had a crush but because he was interested in his character (cause that’s another thing he misunderstood, he thought Dohu was madly in love with him and that’s why he was stalking him).
No matter how right he might be in being upset or what it is that exactly upset him, the way he has handled it with Dohu IS WRONG. We can’t claim “juheon is fully in the right, dohu is wrong solely”. We can however say they are both in the wrong which is what most people in support of Dohu has done.

yeah because juheon has trauma in which goes into dept with his personality. Juheon is probably overthinking and he was even holding back like it said in the chapter... If someone came up to you acting like they knew your personality and the real you and started "clinging" onto you, you would be pissed if you found out they were just using for a story. Just using you to finish your job. In consideration with juheons personality it makes perfect sense and I don't understand why you guys are replying to make comment and making it about dohu when I clearly wanted juheons situation to gain attention

First of all it was actually juheon who approached dohu first, juheon had a misunderstanding thinking dohu was in love with him, but it's none of their fault for that misunderstanding, also can we please not forget dohu is actually on the spectrum and doesn't know properly what is correct "normal" way to approach someone, he doesn't think much, and people mostly started commenting because of what you said about dohu being unlikable and that juheon was completely in the right(which he wasn't, that's the point both are in fault)

Half your comment was about Dohu. Or about your dislike for him haha. And it’s clear you didn’t understand him. That’s why people have responded to you about him. Juheon isn’t being ignored? The problem is that you don’t see he is ALSO in the wrong. In fact, the current drama is all spearheaded by Juheon. Once he found the observation file, he chose to say nothing. He went distant but decided to pretend he hadn’t seen them or was figuring out how to approach Dohu until Dohu made him explain what was up. Juheon could have asked for an explanation. But instead he got violent with Dohu, and because he was hurt he wanted Dohu to hurt and dehumanized him verbally. When Dohu follows his command to give him space (and when his texts were blocked or ignored) he seeks him out only to be yelled at for not having done so sooner. While also saying they have been over. Juheon is giving too many mixed signals. And Dohu is struggling to read them. At the same time I don’t think Dohu thought he deserved to apologize. Because it’s true he observed him. Remember Dohu processes differently. You don’t have to like Dohu, but when you write an explosive comment that seems to completely misunderstand his character you will have people responding to you

not being funny but I'm pretty sure that's just how they're personalities are.. I'm allowed to pick sides that's why the author created this situation lol to see other inputs and I stated my input. But what you said actually makes sense, so I appreciate you reply because I did read it and it did change my perspective. to summarise this I just don't think they should be in a relationship because clearly they aren't right for eachother and you helped me see that so thanks

First of all I already replied to you so chillax because I was talking to carVee and not you .. secondly, asd and personality issues go hand in hand , and if you have autism obviously you'll have a different personality. Or maybe I wasn't clear enough, they just simply shouldn't be together because the way they act clashes. I thought personality would be the most similar word to what I mean but obviously not because you keep fucking nitpicking everything Please calm down because my topic was not mean to be taken literally lmfao I cantt and the way you keep replying with the same thing aswell because that's the only thing you can think of.. bye just go

Firstly I didn't comment about anything else since others have already told what I wanted to say and I didn't think I have to repeat it over, secondly asd and personality issues don't actually go hand in hand, they may have overlapping symptoms but are both very different ( coming from someone also on the spectrum), and everybody has a different personality autistic or not, no person in this world has same personality since all of us are different, i didn't nitpick your comment I just said dont sum up dohus trouble as his boring personality, it's not again I'm sorry if it comes out rude and if it sounds like I'm nitpicking

Iksu is a fucking bitch.Dohun has always been there for iksu (despite having many friends and still never leaving him out) and as soon as iksu finds another person he's done. It just doesn't make sense and he's not returning the energy and when dohun voiced how he felt iksu invalidated his feelings and even after that when iksu told him he was dating someone, dohun stopped being rude and was so happy for Didn't tell him who he was dating, knowing that of it was the other way around dohun would tell him.Iksu is a self absorbed FREAK and I don't like his meathead boyfriend. The only normal person is dohun.

It's been 4 volumes and I'm sat here asking myself repeatedly how the side story has gotten more development than the main story. The title is about tashiro kun so why is he abandoning his own manga??? Hello?? Can we get a look at the production team on this manga???
I love slow burn but this is just crazy and it seems like sega fucking loves everyone. The tension between tashiro,him and ebihara and then him and sashinami/ manager dude like WTF?!?!
This is essentially going nowhere and it's been 21 fucking chapters. And it hasn't been uploaded for a month like guys where are we going take me where we are going.
If this doesn't get updated, I swear on the person reading this we leaving this in 2024

Does anyone else get really happy when the ukes are normal people? Like I was so shocked to see hoyoung walk away from yijun but it was so satisfying?!?!?
"No that's not what happened" uh yes the fuck that was exactly what happened??? Hello??? like WTF you act like an asshole expect the treatment back?? I fucking hate semes with big egos
I love how at the start of this the colors were kind of dull , and as the seasons progress they both become more expressive and bright (nakwon and mokhwa details in face, blushing ect). I love when you can see the art-style progress in manhwas and it's one of my favourite things about this manhwa.