Just read raws as they goinv separate wayssomeone tell me what gonna happen next?
I heard that after uke goes back to america the seme will deliberately get into a car accident during a drama shoot or whatever which will stop the shoot and he will go back to uke again
Where can I read the novel???
Does anyone where i can read completed version of novel???
Does anyone know if this has novel or not??
Where can i read the novel??
Does anyone know if this have a novel or not??
Where chapter should i start after chapter 54 in the novel??
Around 82
What chapter are we on in novel ?
Just read raws as they goinv separate wayssomeone tell me what gonna happen next?
I heard that after uke goes back to america the seme will deliberately get into a car accident during a drama shoot or whatever which will stop the shoot and he will go back to uke again