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Hoshi December 7, 2024 7:49 pm

Wait, so like, I reread Love is an Illusion before reading this, and like I know his mom abandoned him and that she didn't look for him, but when she noticed him, she reached out for him?? It is true that both mother and son didn't try to find each other, but when she saw him in photos that got leaked she wanted to see him??

I get that van be bad but why is everyone making it to be that his mom is horrible? She tried to get in contact with him again, he refused her. And when her new family found out she had another son they abandoned her?

Is it really so bad for his spouse to make sure she's doing okay? I know they should talk to him about it but like, she's not entirely the bad person.

(I'm terrible with names so I apologize if my rant was confusing)

    Mari December 8, 2024 1:28 am

    for this one imagine your in hyesung’s shoes. imagine your mother neglecting causing your entire CHILDHOOD and on to be miserable. and after all that she runs back to you after doing all that. would you really want to see your mother after that? just because hyesung is living a better life now doesn’t mean he didn’t have trauma before all of this. As you said she noticed in those photos but in the first place she shouldn’t have completely abandoned him.

    Hoshi December 8, 2024 3:40 pm
    for this one imagine your in hyesung’s shoes. imagine your mother neglecting causing your entire CHILDHOOD and on to be miserable. and after all that she runs back to you after doing all that. would you reall... Mari

    Hmm.. true, she shouldn't have, but she did try and communicate with him. It also depend on her own circumstances. Maybe the father didn't allow the mother to contact him? (That happened with my own family, but after my sibling turned 18 we were able to get in touch and he didn't hate our parent)

    If his father was abusing her physically and making her spend nights with alphas, if understand why she'd run away, and as a single omega with a child, that would've been an even tougher life for hyesung. I'm not saying she's not in fault, but I think there should be a bit more le-way.

    Maybe when Hyesung finds out his husband and son have been in contact with his mother itll probably be a mess at first but he might forgive her a bit. He ran away from his father too, and never searched for her. If he wanted to see her so bad he also could've put in the effort.

    BlackScorpionQueen21 December 8, 2024 10:50 pm
    Hmm.. true, she shouldn't have, but she did try and communicate with him. It also depend on her own circumstances. Maybe the father didn't allow the mother to contact him? (That happened with my own family, but... Hoshi

    I agree. Yes if I was her I would have taken my child with me but you never know the true extent of her abuse or what type of custody arrangements were set in place. If her son doesn’t want to see her that doesn’t mean he should take that right away from his son and daughter. People change, just like hysung. People on the internet say one thing online but if they actually met someone in real life who went through something like this they would say otherwise. I take most things on this website with a grain of salt.

    Huaran December 8, 2024 11:31 pm
    Hmm.. true, she shouldn't have, but she did try and communicate with him. It also depend on her own circumstances. Maybe the father didn't allow the mother to contact him? (That happened with my own family, but... Hoshi

    True but if Hyesung doesn’t forgive her, I’m fine with his decision. It’s not up to others to decide how he feels or should feel and should do.

    I personally have my own issue of abandonment, by mother. And I’ve cut off her, she had every chance to find me but she didn’t.

    But yes at least the mother did communicate after meeting him.

    As for the father not allowing the mother to communicate, are you talking about the abusive father or her new husband? If it’s the latter, it wasn’t mentioned so I am not sure. As for the father, maybe but the mother left so she had some chances to contact. She left Hyesung behind as a choice.

    What she went through I feel sympathy for. But it makes it worse that she left Hyesung behind when she knows how the father is. The father also tried to pimp Hyesung out some readers forget.

    It’s a very complicated situation, but it’s all up to the victim. Also who are you talking about with the: He ran away from his father too, and never searched for her. If he wanted to see her so bad he also could've put in the effort

    BlackScorpionQueen21 December 8, 2024 11:39 pm
    True but if Hyesung doesn’t forgive her, I’m fine with his decision. It’s not up to others to decide how he feels or should feel and should do. I personally have my own issue of abandonment, by mother. An... Huaran

    Was this directed at me?

    Huaran December 9, 2024 12:39 am
    Was this directed at me? BlackScorpionQueen21

    Is there something wrong? What do you mean directed to you? As in a reply? Yes, sorry for any confusion.

    Huaran December 9, 2024 12:39 am
    Was this directed at me? BlackScorpionQueen21

    HOL fuck. No not you! I meant it to another.

    Huaran December 9, 2024 12:39 am
    Was this directed at me? BlackScorpionQueen21

    So sorry

    Huaran December 9, 2024 12:39 am
    Hmm.. true, she shouldn't have, but she did try and communicate with him. It also depend on her own circumstances. Maybe the father didn't allow the mother to contact him? (That happened with my own family, but... Hoshi

    True but if Hyesung doesn’t forgive her, I’m fine with his decision. It’s not up to others to decide how he feels or should feel and should do.

    I personally have my own issue of abandonment, by mother. And I’ve cut off her, she had every chance to find me but she didn’t.

    But yes at least the mother did communicate after meeting him.

    As for the father not allowing the mother to communicate, are you talking about the abusive father or her new husband? If it’s the latter, it wasn’t mentioned so I am not sure. As for the father, maybe but the mother left so she had some chances to contact. She left Hyesung behind as a choice.

    What she went through I feel sympathy for. But it makes it worse that she left Hyesung behind when she knows how the father is. The father also tried to pimp Hyesung out some readers forget.

    It’s a very complicated situation, but it’s all up to the victim. Also who are you talking about with the: He ran away from his father too, and never searched for her. If he wanted to see her so bad he also could've put in the effort

    Hoshi December 9, 2024 3:07 pm
    True but if Hyesung doesn’t forgive her, I’m fine with his decision. It’s not up to others to decide how he feels or should feel and should do.I personally have my own issue of abandonment, by mother. And... Huaran

    Hyesung, he ran away from his father, and he could've put in effort to find his mother aswell.

    I wasn't trying to argue or anything, I just don't see why everyone is painting her like a villain when she wasn't

    Huaran December 9, 2024 4:55 pm
    Hyesung, he ran away from his father, and he could've put in effort to find his mother aswell. I wasn't trying to argue or anything, I just don't see why everyone is painting her like a villain when she wasn't Hoshi

    Abandoning a child is abuse, so while not a villain villain, she’s not a good mother. Hyesung was just a kid when his mother left him, you want a grown adult to not be held accountable but you’re going to point finger at a kid to find his mother?

    Hyesung ran away from his father because the father was abusive. The mother had every chance to take Hyesung with her, but no, she decided to start a new family.

    Huaran December 9, 2024 4:55 pm
    Hyesung, he ran away from his father, and he could've put in effort to find his mother aswell. I wasn't trying to argue or anything, I just don't see why everyone is painting her like a villain when she wasn't Hoshi

    And abuse isn’t just physical. It comes in neglect as well. Abandonment is a severe case of neglect. It’s not Hyesung’s responsibility to find a grown adult that willingly left, he was just a kid.

    Huaran December 9, 2024 4:57 pm
    Hyesung, he ran away from his father, and he could've put in effort to find his mother aswell. I wasn't trying to argue or anything, I just don't see why everyone is painting her like a villain when she wasn't Hoshi

    Mind you the father was trying to pimp Hyesung out. And the mother knew that the father would do things like that, but still left her kid behind. While I feel sympathy for what she went through as well, she had every chance to take Hyesung with her but chose not to.

    Huaran December 9, 2024 4:59 pm
    Hyesung, he ran away from his father, and he could've put in effort to find his mother aswell. I wasn't trying to argue or anything, I just don't see why everyone is painting her like a villain when she wasn't Hoshi

    My whole point is not that she’s a villain, but that she’s a bad mother. That is what everyone’s mad about and they have the right to be mad. Nobody should tell me what I should do or feel, same with Hyesung who chose to not reunite with his mother. I cut my parents who abandoned me off. They never took me when the fight in our country happened, but thankfully I had my grandparents.

    Abandonment issue, I feel like many people minimize it as if it’s not abuse.

    Huaran December 9, 2024 5:10 pm
    Hyesung, he ran away from his father, and he could've put in effort to find his mother aswell. I wasn't trying to argue or anything, I just don't see why everyone is painting her like a villain when she wasn't Hoshi

    Personally I feel like you don’t understand how horrible it is to be abandoned or have little to no family support in Hyesung’s case. But I am glad you’re asking why. And I do apologize if I was rude

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