To be honest, I'd be so scared. I know it's 2017 and people are a whole lot more accepting but I'd be so scared. First, my family. They are West African and very religious. They are very homophobic. They also believe in light exorcism; the one where they pray for your soul for several days while on a mysterious mountain with a really loud pastor wh......
Things about me :
A midget
Cat lady
Bad at baking
Quite sarcastic ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
I and some students from the Excellence class had the huge misfortune of entering the worst statistics class in the entire university. It was so bad that everyone, literally, everyone failed the first midterm. The highest mark was I think a 17/40. The professor had no choice but to add the full midterm mark to our finals. It was actually hilarious ......
We are living in the era of the easily butthurt, which is interesting in the yaoi community because somehow it leads to people being less open minded about their shit. Yaoi (not BL or early shounen ai, just straight up yaoi) used to be fiction that only had the "good bits" of what shounen ai didn't have, and used to be stories about basically STRA......
I totally lazed around during summer vacation last year, I didn't go outside the house for, about 1 1/2 weeks straight. I totally binged anime series. (Including Fairy Tail, SAO, Bleach, Naruto, and Hunter x Hunter) It was awesome!!!!!!!!!!(≧∀≦)
I was the only person to get an A- in my Constitutional Class. Nobody suspected me as I was the typical quiet Asian girl. Another time was when my economics professor dragged me to the side and said, "I know you worked hard on it but your presentation was too complicated for the class to understand." It was a comparison of Japanese v. American fis......
What would you do if your son/daughter came out to you?