Mia meow meow's feed

Mia meow meow created a topic of Sharehouse Nile

I don't know much about Marie in real life but she definitely can't be that stupid even in a frictional ver of her when even the younger kids have understood the livelihood of modern life. And ya she lived a life of being in control in her past life but that's not that different for the other royals. She has been getting on my nerves so much since the beginning , even if I imagine her to be someone who didn't do nothing but doll up, get married, gossip, or what not ,theirs no way she was not curious of how the commoners lived and their way of life or she just doesn't have any talent. If the only thing she knows is etiquette or that era fashion than y not make a living teaching that and she is God dame 20 years old, older than me and in that era that age is supposed to be even more mature but every time i see her acting so immature I want to jump in the screen and slap her silent. Like girl talk like an adult y r u acting like a brat. U literally got a second chance y not make the most of it and y does she always look like a homeless person, no one would believe she was a queen in her past life.
And i think the first novelist in the world is going to be the new character (I don't remember well if murasaki shikibu was the first novelist or she made the base for the future novelist)