Might be dropping this since school is almost starting and my translation is not very good :( I'm so sorry for picking this up and not following through but I got tired of the sleep deprivation, It was my first time ever doing this so I wouldn't sleep for days and I still wasn't happy with the results, But I beg someone please pick this up!!! I finished the story in the original language and it is amazing and I want everyone else to be able to read the rest of the story as well but I'm not willing to be able to give up my own well being to do so. If you have a little more time then me and have better skills than me and decide to finish this story I will be most grateful<33
You can buy the Original Korean at Bomtoon<3 https://www.bomtoon.com/comic/ep_list/S_s_B_L/?p_id=naverblog48 I also know of a Georgian and Vietnamese Version if anyone wants to translate but can't speak Korean :)
In Japan there is something named "cocktail language." Sidecar's cocktail phrase is "always for two" so it means that you want to drink with the person you want to be with all the time. It can also mean "soulmates" that's why Aki ordered sidecar for him, for anyone who's confused lol