There was this one manwba ive seen before it wa slike kinda a lovg time ago about a priest? And this was this uhh training priest? Under cover from a cult and they like kidnapped the main priest as sacrifice. And the under training priest/ undercover cult member guy likes the priest so when they were about to sacrifice the priest he like took the priest with him and burnt the cult place with the members. And then like they were hiding in a house in the woods and he like broke the priests feet so he csnt run away. And there was this other priest that like also likes (hostage) priest so undercover guy knew that so he sent a letter about (hostage) then the other priest came and (undercover cult) hit (other priest) in the head with likr the handle of an axe and then he teased him and mmade (other priest) watch (undercover) and (hostage/mc priest) fuck and he got hard then i forgit the rest