Finally finished the manhwa after so many years…. Like everyone else I started reading this in high school lol.
The ending was expected but still really sad. The story is phenomenal, it holds up really well as a binge read as it did a weekly release. The psychological aspects are well done, the themes are complex, the characters are interesting. It’s honestly hard to find another manhwa on this level.
Even though Sangwoo is an actual psychopath, I was still able to feel sympathy for him. I still wish Bum would’ve saved him in the end. But he died a slow painful death like he was cursed to, calling out for Bum. As a misogynist pos, it’s ironic his final blow came from an old granny, who killed him as flippantly as he did his victims. It’s bittersweet that he only realized at the very end that he really did love Bum.
When Bum brings out the ring, I really wished they would’ve ended up happy But like Bum why are you keeping secrets from a paranoid psycho…
I imagine Bum will never move on for the rest of his life. But he will never understand Sangwoo because he was never told about his past. Only we as readers can somewhat understand Sangwoo. Bum will probably blame himself forever.