Ok so while doing the 5 times meetup thing, Taeyoon starts crushing on Jaemin LOL
On their 4th meetup, they have 100% consensual sex and he sleeps over at Jaemin’s house. Oh yeah and during the sex, Jaemin mumbles, “Can’t I lock you up….” and Taeyoon’s like ….what…? but Jaemin smiles and thrusts and all is forgotten LOL
So after sexxing hard, the mood is good and everything but before going to bed, Jaemin asks after their 5th and final meetup, will they continue meeting up? Taeyoon thinks rly hard about that, he does like Jaemin but he doesn’t think he’s ready for a relationship. So he tells Jaemin no, after their next meetup, they won’t see each other anymore. He expects Jaemin to be whiny and clingy like usual but strangely, he just says ok then turns away to sleep. Taeyoon worries about that but he eventually says fuck it and just goes to sleep too.
But as Taeyoon is sleeping, Jaemin wakes up and watches him sleep like a creeper then ominously he says, “The end? It won’t happen like that, Taeyoon-ah.”
The next morning, Jaemin is acting completely normal so Taeyoon doesn’t suspect anything. Jaemin says he’ll visit him at work and Taeyoon blushes and leaves lol
When Jaemin visits him at work, he asks him if there’s anywhere in particular he wants to go. Taeyoon says he always wanted to go to an amusement park while wearing school uniforms, but none of his friends wanted to go with him. Jaemin says we’ll go where you want for the final date, since we’ll never see each other again after that. Taeyoon thinks wow he’s really holding that against me and chapter ends.
Well I hope Taeyoon enjoys the amusement park cause we know he gonna get kidnapped right after

I need to talk to someone about this so I’m putting it here!!
Ok so ch 51 near the end of their date, there’s a situation and they end up hugging, Iltalk hugs Hyunwoo to hide them from redhead and Hyunwoo misunderstands thinking Iltak is hugging him because he likes him.
Then later when Hyunwoo is massaging Iltak’s foot, he says, “Let’s keep doing this…” but Iltak cuts him off confessing that he wasn’t hugging him but trying to hide them. Iltak says don't misunderstand and get a grip dude I’m a man!! And Hyunwoo says that’s ok, he’s accepted that and as long as Iltak’s ok with it he wants to date
Then!! Iltak yells at him saying he hates it, why would he like another man, etc. Hyunwoo asks then why he stuck to him so much, making him misunderstand. SO ILTAK TELLS HYUNWOO HE’S JUST BEEN USING HIM FOR STATUS IN THE SCHOOL
Hyunwoo says, “So it didn’t matter who it was, as long as they helped you, even if it wasn’t me?”
And Iltak says YES!!
Then Hyunwoo had the most HURT, REJECTED face ever and left, leaving his jacket with Iltak.
That night, Iltak is washing Hyunwoo’s leather jacket in the laundry machine which ???? and his sister comes in asking about the date. He says nothing happened which she knows is a lie because she was there lol but Iltak insists, “Nothing changed at all.” His sis thinks to herself, I’m sure nothing changed for YOU but for Hyunwoo…..
Then the next day at school, Iltak brings him his leather jacket saying he washed it and!!! Hyunwoo looks all scary and shit and tells Iltak to sit on his lap, just like redhead makes him do
So I guess he’s gonna bully Iltak now and make sure Iltak gets NO protection from him anymore

I love how stupid he is
Any similar stories with a stupid bottom?

I got u bro i have a list https://www.mangago.zone/home/mangalist/2321532/

The mob doesn’t fuck him, his subordinate saves him. They fuck. The original post was made by the subordinate but for another omega that consented, that omega got on the wrong train tho.
That said:
Omg I was sooo mad why draw the mob so hot if they’re not gonna do anything!!
I wanted the tattoo guy to fuck him :’( the coworker guy is not as hot >:(
Also the difference between the comments here and the Korean site is soooo funny lmaoo
This work suits the myreadingmamga audience more ;)
bro gets called small dicked by the bottom then gets his face punched in right after by the top praying for both of their asses rn
Other highlights:
top saw the texts coworker sent to Jaehee, that dumbass isn’t even trying to hide it LOL
unsurprisingly, Jaehee has сrypto мeme сoins
Jaehee was not quiiite satisfied with coworker’s fucking in the first scene~ and he doesn't seem satisfied at all in the last scene~ I feel like he would’ve stopped seeing his coworker and just went back to his oppa’s fat cock but oop too late he got caught (⌒▽⌒)
where did you read this
I REMEMBER READING THAT WITH TRANSLATOR, but im crying for bottom because of ch 17
Last paragraph. Same thoughts. Bro couldn’t have been satisfied the way he was with ML’s fat pp. anyways..