chalk November 4, 2024 11:06 pm

They are literally the cutest ever I'm gonna crumble o<---< I find their dynamic so good in the sense that the top, Shiraki, was always the bottom for his clients. He was never in control. Yet Kuro was able to gift that to him by bottoming for him. They are so cute I'm literally crying!!! Shiraki is such a soft, delicate, and pretty top too, they're perfect T____T

chalk November 2, 2024 10:54 pm

No wonder the vibes were so familiar, it's the same author as Love Tractor!!! That manhwa will always be one of my absolute faves!!!

Also, I back read all the comments just to check but uhm... It seems I'm the only one who liked the best friend. I just found his relationship with Muyeong cute in a way that it was in character for him to act that way being a chaebol and all.

He refuses to give up on Muyeong but he at least keeps his distance after he was able to walk again. Muyeong's love story with Seonho is cute, but if the main focus was between Muyeong and the best friend I think this would've had a similar vibe to Love and Hate.

chalk November 2, 2024 12:48 pm

I think my one gripe with this series is that it's marketed as a bl story between Horus and Seth when in reality it's more a story of Seth's journey/life. Both the cover and the summary display/talk only about HoruSeth, and yet 95% of the story is of Seth's past and present. When I first read this I thought it would focus on the love story between HoruSeth because of how it's marketed. Then came chapter after chapter of Seth being with other people and??? Nothing wrong with the story itself, I appreciate the plot and its depiction of mythology, but maybe market it as such? I know the title is a huge clue but that cover and summary man... I was bamboozled. Idk maybe I'm just nitpicking but it just feels a bit off to me.

    ~•_/≠|[{Lumia}]|≠_•~ November 3, 2024 8:55 pm

    BL tag gets so widely missused its cray cray but i suppose that later on we get more horus seth muah muah but yk is hard to write a romance when you want an actualy plot thats also based on like literaly egyptian mythology

chalk November 2, 2024 5:43 am

I don't understand... Why am I the only one who thinks the ML is a terrible person? Like even when I was at the earlier chapters and ML was being a total ass to the MC (like being harsh and cruel with his words even when MC was trying to be nice to him), everyone was praising him for being a green flag in the comments. Y'all think THAT's a green flag? He was giving the MC literal CRUMBS of "kindness" one minute and then being a dismissive asshole the next, even going so far as basically slut-shaming MC for being a puppet for Hyunjae (he was GROOMED fyi!!!), and yet people were saying their "banter" is cute??? The bar is in HELL lmao

And then it only takes one chapter of MC being a drunken mess for ML to suddenly be nice to him? You didn't think MC asking you to not be so harsh to him while he was SOBER was worthy of you to actually listen to him? Everything that came out of the ML's mouth after that encounter sounded so FAKE too and yet there were only praises for him in the comments??? Talk about turning your brain off lol

    jaedan November 2, 2024 10:47 pm

    youre just be saying words atp. first of all, the timeline nokyoung went back, he was literally on a mission to seduce him prior.what would he even think, its an initial assumption. its in the storyyy. AND he started to appreciate ny after getting to know him and finding out that he was controlled. it changes his views. hes not the perfect man/ml but its evident that he did everything willingly and passionately for the mc vv. him and ny have the healthiest relationship. no reason to be crying alat if you actually read

    chalk November 2, 2024 10:57 pm
    youre just be saying words atp. first of all, the timeline nokyoung went back, he was literally on a mission to seduce him prior.what would he even think, its an initial assumption. its in the storyyy. AND he s... jaedan

    "He's not the perfect man/ml" there you go, weirdo!!! That's my point right there. My gripe was people treating him like the greenest green flag when in fact he had A LOT of toxic actions too. Why are YOU bouncing on his dick defending him like that lmaooo if your standards are in hell just say that ^^

    jaedan November 2, 2024 11:11 pm

    its soo funny that youre so pressed of anyone praising him just bcs he's not perfect but also you cancelling out or you not have the capacity to understand build up and development shown in the story. like if anything, its you who are bouncing off your nonexistent reasoning. actually you dont even have a reasoning bcs you be making up and throwing words that does not have analytical sense completely disregarding what the creator trying to build up. Your critical level is in hell.

    chalk November 2, 2024 11:27 pm
    its soo funny that youre so pressed of anyone praising him just bcs he's not perfect but also you cancelling out or you not have the capacity to understand build up and development shown in the story. like if a... jaedan

    You've GOT to be joking loooool YOU'RE the one who reads the ML's character as one dimensional, and yet I'M the one who doesn't have the capacity to understand this story??? This story is as cliche as it can get, and I could tell from your "analysis" in your first comment you have the media literacy of a twelve year old addicted to wattpad, yet you talk as if this story is COMPLEX. I'm sorry that's just too funny lmaoooo "throwing words" just say you can't comprehend my point because you're too stupid and stubborn to accept the fact that different people have different views of certain circumstances (signs of low IQ btw!!! I hope you get well soon) <3 Anyway I don't have the time to educate weirdos on the internet, have fun talking to the wall <3

    jaedan November 2, 2024 11:41 pm
    You've GOT to be joking loooool YOU'RE the one who reads the ML's character as one dimensional, and yet I'M the one who doesn't have the capacity to understand this story??? This story is as cliche as it can ge... chalk

    Lmao see?? Where's the reasoning?? Just spewing words? Girly is projecting. Girly is describing herself Lmfaooo. Looking so stupid rn yikes. You wanna be woke so bad for pointing out characters but end up being stupid than you really are. You dont have time for this? you surely dont have a brain to digest and comprehend like look at you recycling jokes and statements i have to laugh clown ;)

    Geto's pants November 9, 2024 10:39 pm

    I'm.. Really confused.. Chalk, respectfully, you made it seem much worse than it actually is.. From what I recall, the ML didn't SLUT shame him.. That's just dramatic as fuck.. Yes, he was rude but he wasn't "oh my god this guy is so off the charts I can't beleive this." I agree with Jaedan. ML started to appreciate Nokyoung more after knowing/helping him get out of the situation of being controlled by Hyunjae. No, he isn't perfect but he's as green as it's gonna fucking get. Genuinely don't understand why you made a big fuss about this

    papasfritas November 12, 2024 10:53 am
    I'm.. Really confused.. Chalk, respectfully, you made it seem much worse than it actually is.. From what I recall, the ML didn't SLUT shame him.. That's just dramatic as fuck.. Yes, he was rude but he wasn't "o... Geto's pants

    you are honestly the realest ever. My exact thoughts right there. I mean, he's not perfect, still, he's good. It is also explained in the story that he didn't liked Nokyoung at the beginning cuz he thought of him as Hyunjae's "puppet" and he hated Hyunjae to the guts cuz HE ACTUALLY IS a bad person:)

chalk October 31, 2024 1:54 am

Their size difference is so!!!!

chalk October 29, 2024 4:27 am

Like how dare they be so cute and perfect for each other??!!!! And beach sex w/ intimate kisses??? Jaehyuk is so soft for Yeonoh I can't take ittttshdgshkjs!!!! (〃>∆<〃)

chalk September 15, 2024 2:29 pm

Idk but... I cannot find it cute that Kabuto got to spend time and touch Tsubaki like that when the body he borrowed was Nanahisa's... Who obviously has a crush on Tusbaki. Like it just feels off to me. What if Nanahisa's body remembers that feeling and thinks it's their own memories? Might seem far fetched but I've seen it happen in some stories so idk

    Bamapie September 15, 2024 5:35 pm

    Lowkey so real. I was like aww so cute, then I remembered they literally rendered him unconscious and then possessed his body without him even knowing lol, this is so messy

chalk September 14, 2024 11:23 pm

I've been reading this since DAY 1 I can't believe it's been 3 years

    Galaxy September 14, 2024 11:27 pm

    Wtf 3 years?? God im getting old

chalk September 11, 2024 5:51 pm

Some think fathers getting jealous of their own kid when moms focus more on their child instead of their husband after birth is wild, but it actually happens a lot irl... Which is scary to think about.

chalk August 31, 2024 2:17 pm

The bulge is concerning but their sex positions are actually quite realistic

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