I thought this was shounen ai because of the pacing so I was blushing like a maiden whenever their kisses became more spicy. And then their first sex in chapter 30 happens and I was like, "rimming?!? light sabers??!!???" clutching my pearls like I was Won's mother or something
Their first kiss in chapter 15 happened so naturally too aaahhhh so so so so cute!!! There's tragedy ahead though before they reunite 8 years later

No matter how bad the story looks like rn, DON'T ever drop this. You'll be missing out on so much fluff and hot smut. Jaekyung is one of the most obsessive green flag MLs ever and his love and obsession with the MC is the cutest. It's just gonna be a while before we get to that point because there's a few more misunderstandings ahead, but it'll be worth it.

It's only in chapter 22 when I actually decided to read their sex scenes instead of scrolling past and ignoring them. Their previous ones were so hard to stomach because there was just so much...hatred and hostility in the seme's case. All I felt was second-hand embarrassment for the uke and disgust towards the seme.

Do y'all notice that a lot of Japanese bl manga seem to be written with the same pattern?
- Innocent uke falls in love with experienced seme
- Experienced seme has personal issues
- Those personal issues cause problems in their relationship, so seme pushes uke away/breaks up with him
- It's the uke that chases seme and they end up together again
Please tell me some of you notice it too because I've been reading Japanese bl mangas for years and more so recently and have been noticing this pattern so much from different bl manga authors that I thought I was reading from the same author.

I've said this before on this site but I really think Japan as a society tend to romanticize selfishness and self-destruction. Whoever has these personal issues in a story always get to act however they want, hurt the one they love in the process, and get no flack for it. Is it like an internalized longing to be as they are and to be understood for it and suffer no consequences? I think so. Idk maybe it's just meee

I've said this before on this site but I really think Japan as a society tend to romanticize selfishness and self-destruction. Whoever has these personal issues in a story always get to act however they want, hurt the one they love in the process, and get no flack for it. Is it like an internalized longing to be as they are and to be understood for it and suffer no consequences? I think so. Idk maybe it's just meee

Misunderstanding Trope is if the alpha seme was actually in love with the uke and he just had trouble expressing himself, and the uke misunderstood. But the alpha ACTUALLY did not like the uke back for years, and he BARELY started to realize he finds the uke cute before the pregnancy, which is why he tries to find a different sex partner after they broke the contract. The uke did not "misunderstand", he just took the alpha seme's actions as is. This counts as a "Late Realization of Feelings" trope, not a Misunderstanding Trope.

I honestly find Zigril being jealous and possessive of Kay adorable I loveeee semes who are like that, but (raws and novel spoilers ahead) him being in denial everytime he's confronted about having feelings/being in love with Kay is so frustrating and harmful to their relationship.
Like later when Kay asked him, "do you like me?" his reply was no and that he was probably going to get tired of Kay soon. Are we surprised that it made Kay break down and not really give his heart to Zigril after that no matter what Zigril did for him? Helloooo why would Kay trust you enough to fall in love with you after saying that???
Not sure if it's just because the novel translation I read had some wonky parts, but to me the ending seemed like Kay just accepted his fate of being the mother of Zigril's child. He liked Zigril "enough", but I wouldn't call it love. Well, at least it's not a typical ending, I guess.
Seme has been even more of a prick lately. I say go ahead and break up with him uke!!!