If she pulls that "you hurt my feelings" act I'll be pissed. That's you're own fault girly. You knew he was gay, he said it multiple times. You not believe it is your own fault, you have no right to get upset or expect an apology. No one needs to apologize for your problems. It's your own fault for not believing he's gay.

um actually that's 50/50. Yes you actually can. Also no I won't cause her feelings doesn't mean he has to apologize cause SHE KNOWS he's gay. I myself had a crush on a gay person, but I didn't know they were gay till I confessed. I'm not going to be a little bitch about it cause that's not their fault. So no I won't shut up.

I agree that they can still be friends. All I said was I'll be mad if she gets triggered if she asks him out and he turns her down and you literally got so defensive and attacked me. Also yes you can control how you feel for someone, not all people can control, but yes you can control. It's silly to say you can't control who you like or gain feelings for, of course you can!