What is so hard to understand? Money was not her desire, time was. Time with you, she wished for you to pay at least a little bit of attention, to care enough to give an opinion on whether she should cut her hair or not. She wasn't even the least bit happy, not a person respected her and you, her husband was not even aware of that fact, how shameful is that?
At the start, everything was hype and I was like, oh, cool, a baddie and all. But all the small thing is adding up into a disappointment. And I probably would have kept reading without being bothered much about it but that thing where she was "speaking" with Alexa kinda threw me off her. Might stay a bit to see how it goes for now I guess, since I'm actually curious about her sister.
Just came back to read this manga and I feel like I read this novel somewhere...deja vu