I need an ending for the pink hair and his ex, they are the sweetest, as far as i want them to survive, I also want taeman to get away from this and heal, if they survive they might come for taeman. I'm sure danhyeok is shocked, and after taeman explain it to him, he nugget upset and disappointed. The against is

Siwoo hasn't realized it yet, in the next future chapters, Do-hyeok can't tell siwoo about what happened even if he was asked by siwoo, his pride ate him. And I now see Siwoo true colors, he is very abusive in future chapters

I also read the raws and it’s true that the red head can’t go into detail but he does tell him that he didn’t want to do that with anybody to which Siwoo believes. And wrong Siwoo is abusive towards people who are abusive to him. So he hits whoever hits him. In the latest raw he kept asking if the red head was ok, even held his hands. But during their intercourse, the red head kept insisting on continuing the sex and when he was having hard time. I understand bits of Korean.

Lol, i skip this. Anyways, in the future next next chapter do-hyeok has anxiety, when they went out with siwoo for a dinner, in the crowd he is reminded of the rape, and siwoo doesn't know that that dh was raped. And he remember everything when he saw last time, sick he finally noticed it and hold dh's hand
Can't just the butler die