GoldenScale's experience ( All 1 )

Hi guys, here's a discord server for those who want to talk about their everyday life, mangas and a lot of other things as well. It's not a yaoi server for those who wonder, but there's a manga section where you are totally allowed to talk about it. Honestly, I don't mind what you guys talk about so sensitive people beware. Controversial subjects......   reply
10 09,2018

GoldenScale's answer ( All 127 )

No. I don't hate China nor any of the civilians over there. Do I think their government is insane, though ? Yes. For a few reasons. Will I ever go there ? No. That's about it. '^'   reply
24 07,2021
about question
Sooo... I don't have the exact temperatures, but this should be close. Highest: 40°C (104F) Lowest: -40°C (-40F) Where I live, temperature gets up to 35°C in the summer (you know, THAT week when it's hot af, but it's normally around 28 the rest of the summer). And it gets down to -35 THAT week where it's cold af during winter. (When it's usual......   1 reply
22 07,2021
"So the other day I was reading a manga with two guys [insert topic relevant to current discussion]" It's not a coming out. You can afford to say it casually in a discussion if you're comfortable with it.   reply
20 07,2021
about question
Yes. There are lubricanting glands that produces fluids. Arousal plays a huge part in the production of those fluids, but even without being aroused, there's gonna be a bit of fluid down there. It's always a bit wet.   reply
20 07,2021
GoldenScale 19 07,2021
Gotta clean everything. '^' I'm not gonna question why you're smoking cigarettes (though I don't approve), but wtf is wrong with you for smoking it inside ? o.o Go smoke outside, you animal. It's way simpler to wash you clothes and take a shower than washing your whole room.   1 reply
19 07,2021

GoldenScale's question ( All 3 )

Hi guys !
I just want to know if any of you would be interested in a french speaking discord server for people who like to write.

We welcome any person able to understand and have a basic conversation in french. Beginners are allowed to join if comfortable with the fact that the discussions will be in french.


Ce serveur discord portera principalement sur l'écriture d'histoires ou de roleplay pour ceux qui sont intéressés. Toutes les discussions sont les bienvenues, qu'elles soient sur l'écriture, les mangas ou la vie de tous les jours.

N'hésitez pas à laisser votre nom d'utilisateur en commentaire si vous êtes intéressés.

Bonne journée à tous !
08 04,2020
Hi guys, I made a discord server about mangas, writing stories and other general stuff.

Feel free to join if you guys want to. Everybody's welcome !
27 03,2020
about penpals
I thought it would be interesting for people to drop the link of their discord chat over here.

Let's regroup the ones that are still active.
22 10,2018

People are doing

did read manga

Maybe I've been desensitised but I've seen worse tbh although I can't deny it's also really bad but the not the worse out there

5 hours
did read manga

I was sexually abused when I was 7. I'm twisted and I like to imagine myself as the Shota. I find some comfort in it.

7 hours
did masturbated to yaoi


17 hours