im pretty sure he peed he wanted him to cum in him but he was flustered and it was 'ful'l so I think it was pee Angel!c
It is pee since he sqiurted in many manga they show that "face" before they squirt that's why.we also see it with the second guy. It's the oh shit what's happening face
It is pee since he sqiurted in many manga they show that "face" before they squirt that's why.we also see it with the second guy. It's the oh shit what's happening face Suga
Ah yeah sorry I think we wrote the comments at the same time lol I didn’t see this yesterday
Did it show this part before chp26 or after? nagisashiota
it's in chapter 9. After chapter 26 you there are some flash backs with her and the older brother. The older brother had short hair in high school and he didn't wear glasses
it's in chapter 9. After chapter 26 you there are some flash backs with her and the older brother. The older brother had short hair in high school and he didn't wear glasses vicious chipmunk
I don't see any good end potential..
It’s apparently completed in ganma but I can’t find any raws beyond chap 27 :(