so it's actually the first yaoi comic i've ever read lmao i found it accidentally years ago. So it's a zosan (zoroxsanji) doujin where the artstyle is pretty similar to Oda's style, and idk why i remember this so specifically but while making out in the bathroom, zoro uses shampoo/bodywash as lube??? yeah that's pretty much all i remember lmao i read it a while ago (maybe around 2012?) if you have any ideas link me up!
so it's actually the first yaoi comic i've ever read lmao i found it accidentally years ago. So it's a zosan (zoroxsanji) doujin where the artstyle is pretty similar to Oda's style, and idk why i remember this so specifically but while making out in the bathroom, zoro uses shampoo/bodywash as lube??? yeah that's pretty much all i remember lmao i read it a while ago (maybe around 2012?) if you have any ideas link me up!
Theres so much Zosan, i tried to find the super smutty one where they do it in the bathroom and they do it in front of a mirror.
** but i could never find it no matter how hard i try xD
You can try search in myreadingmanga, there's a plenty of them there