Of course it's by the sadistic Beauty's author
Are you insane? You need therapy for real. Wishing someone bad just because their idea and taste in fiction doesn’t align with your morals is mental. Really. If you think people are in real life what they create, then you cannot consume fiction because you do not have the mental emotional maturity to do so. Please talk to your therapist. This is not normal behavior.
Okay a genuine question:
Does he ever shit? All i see him doing is getting fucked (r@ped?) does he like wash himself or something??
This makes me remember of a reel where a girl asked how gay poop in between sex like you know suddenly you get pressure and gays were like 'we use it as lube' or 'just don't ask' , 'only we bottoms know the pain of this', well the truth is bottom doesn't eat food before sex and does his business before than clean themselves from inside...but idk about this one
Hey something about shitting is mentioned!!!
It took them 22 ep
Also that guy( the orange fucker) needs to get thrown in the gutter with nothing and be the dinner for the rats. I want him to die slowly and painfully. I want him to give in to hunger and eat his own body. Fuck that guy