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Agathe January 17, 2025 8:08 pm

In the real world, getting beaten hurts like hell and it is long to heal, if even possible. Beaten women and children end up in hospitals or dead every day from family abuse.
I simply cannot agree with the romanization of domestic violence : the MC deliberately put herself in situations that could get her killed and is regularly displayed as indifferent or even enjoying the situation . This is simply insane.
It is ridiculous and dangerous.
Ok i get it, because she gets revenge, it’s all worth it ? It’s part of the process that makes her cool ?
Or is it ?
You’re not stronger when you’re missing half your front teeth or need surgical restoration to fix your nose and face
Fear doesn’t live you, even if some revenge you get

Knowing real victims who barely survived such situations i am at loss when i see how little is made from situations that are way too real for too many people

I love fiction, but i wish writers would not use abuse as a free ticket to make easy stories. I don’t say no one should talk about it, but at least, shouldn’t there be some consideration of the consequences of such tales ?
Safety matters and should always come first

    Nikki January 19, 2025 8:55 pm

    It is kinda nuts, I like her manipulating but at such risk to herself even if she says there isn’t much. Idk, it still seems painful and dangerous. I really want to like this because the beginning was such a cool twist on isekai but ugh. There are just so many problems

Agathe December 22, 2024 5:12 pm

Honestly she could have at least tried to save more people :/
Even in her own household she only tried to save one maid, not mentioning the village, she really gave up before trying, it feels rather evil :/

    Con December 22, 2024 5:31 pm

    Realistically, one person can only do so much. Protecting yourself is already an insurmountable task, protecting others is even harder.

    How can she save them when she didn't even mention the apocalypse and they were already treating her like a madwoman? She almost failed to ask her brother and maid to come with her too, let alone all of the servants in her household.

    And I'm sure she could've shouted for survivors to follow her to her happy house but that would be risky as someone who had been bit could follow her inside. Imagine fighting an infected whilst carrying/protecting an unconscious grown man

    And in the novel, she had 20 days to prepare. That's barely 3 weeks to procure information, shelter, food, necessities- and the attack happened way earlier than she expected.

    I'm sure she could've saved more lives if she was given enough time though.. it's a shame cause I really liked the villagers too

    Day December 22, 2024 6:37 pm

    Honestly if there was a apocalypse I'm only saving my family especially when there isn't enough supplies to save everyone, also it's a virus which means you don't necessarily have to get bit to turn. Also it's the worst time to try to be captain save a ho when you need to survive yourself.

    JayJay (I'm back!) December 23, 2024 3:01 am

    Not selfish... they would've thrown her in the looney bin, and she can't save people while locked up in the looney bin, now, can she? And with a reputation like hers, how many people would've believed her?

    Miju>_< December 23, 2024 6:46 am


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