Milly November 25, 2023 4:55 pm

Stop saying Seoyoon is useless and does no help!!!!
You guys might not know this but Seoyoon is a big help and great help to our MC, if it wasn't for her he wouldn't have been that strong , you guys might not know this but if she hadn't recruited our MC he wouldn't be strong like he is now because the lessons he took are soo expensive and he is poor so he can't take the lessons because he's poor but she help him to improve by giving him what he wants and need at that time and she helped him a lot because of the money he earned in the competition he worked hard for,
If you imagine that your are in the same situation as Seoyoon, you are a student who barely passed on your exams and your friend with a smart student that exceed everyone expectation and everyone saying get out of your friend and don't stick to your friend because they said that you are only friends with her because she's smart and has good grade they are saying you are like a fly that keep sticking to her and you that didn't do anything like that tried explain the truth but no one believes you because they believe you are just person who tried to use someone for there own benefits.
Every characters are created for a reason the author decide what kind role they play, they're not just some support characters if they have been introduced and to where they show the past they have a meaning of important role in the story.
So don't just spout nonsense!!!!

Milly November 21, 2023 9:44 pm

When that bit€h kept hurting our kartien I kept saying kayden kayden kayden please help our mama!!!!!!

Milly November 21, 2023 9:43 pm

When that bit€h kept hurting our mama I kept saying kayden kayden kayden please help our mama

Milly November 16, 2023 11:26 am

The characters are soooo handsome and pretty and beautiful

Except for the infected oness that lost consciousness they ugly

Milly November 15, 2023 10:00 am

I get an uneasy felling
It feels like danger is coming
I don't know anymore
I just don't feel safe about this

    feh November 15, 2023 10:34 am

    you're in for one of the best early arcs dw it's all fun and games until here- the trauma starts a little after :D !!

Milly November 9, 2023 12:04 pm

You association bastard deserve that hheheheh..

Milly November 7, 2023 10:57 pm

I can't ,kayden I'm begging save kartein!!!

Hom we call our mother

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