OogaBooga created a topic of Don't Press the Button

I just remembered theres a sweet called peep too, and theyre little marshmallow birbs

OogaBooga created a topic of Shota Oni

I'm imagining the mad haters' reaction over this lmaoooo

OogaBooga created a topic of Shutline

Istg, the pit kink catches me off guard every time.
I thought Jake was going in for a deep kiss but sike, he wanted those juicy juicy moon shingun armpits

One of my absolute guilty pleasures in BL.
I know I commented it before but, I hope this time they're happier in each others' arms and that they'll love each other correctly and gently (after all the bs that happen lmaoooo)

OogaBooga created a topic of High School Boy

Anyways, aint no way that ice cream shaped like a dicko bruh

OogaBooga created a topic of No Returns After Use

He's way too cute, for me all his idiotic actions are forgiven

OogaBooga created a topic of Merry! Memory

The daaaddddd, rip

OogaBooga created a topic of Like A Fever Dream

Why did I get confusion instead

Anyways, let's see how this'll turn out,,

I love me some wholesome and sexy old man yaoi

OogaBooga created a topic of The Hounds of Sisyphus

Very uncle core, and i'm here for it

OogaBooga created a topic of Dark Heaven

They actually adopted a child.

I learned that the artist had an art posted in their Twitter or something.

The gays are still winning

OogaBooga created a topic of Merry! Memory

So Angel had Honeycut first?? What went wrong??

OogaBooga created a topic of Bound By Desire

Is the author tryna put every kink and fetish in one manhwa lmao

OogaBooga created a topic of Prostate Capture Report

Tell me why this got an animated promo again...

OogaBooga created a topic of ENNEAD

Hmmm couldn't say I like her now but at least she's putting more effort in managing the sht of a show her husband left them instead of staying denial and defensive.

Man, Egyptian myth is a whole lot of fuss! I miss the god of wisdom and his boss of a wife goddess of justice. I hope there'll be more Thoth screentime soonerrr

OogaBooga created a topic of Monster and Ghost

The only way for them to be together is for the other one to die

And hopefully both souls reincarnate with them meeting each other again like fate

*in distress*

This manga making me so hungry

OogaBooga created a topic of Shutline

Tiddies kink x pits kink